Anonymous ID: c5bf8b Aug. 26, 2018, 11:53 a.m. No.2745435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5553 >>5632 >>5645 >>5676 >>5681


I bitched all last bread so before I sign off for a bit I'm submitting some things for your consideration, maybe you can flesh it out. Mea culpa.



So Q posts this as the first marker. This means Q knew for a certainty that no name would be in the news in [30] days.



Read these subsequent posts for context:


>>2287348 When did No Name travel to the UK?

>>2287674 What if the UK gov worked hand-in-hand w/ the Hussein admin to sabotage the 2016 election?

No name travels to the UK at some point, to work with the gov there on behalf of BO


>>2310449 When does a bird sing?

>>2310523 Keep your promise.This is not a game.

>>2310523 Public awareness forces hand.

All pictures of Lisa Page in the UK. Was this a message to no name, AKA SONGBIRD, that they have him on camera too? What public awareness?


>>2310904 [Redacted FISA]

Oh, that public awareness. So something in the DECLAS FISA will implicate no name directly.



In the previous drop, [Redacted FISA] in brackets, indicating it's a marker. Should we be using the same [30] delta, and look for a FISA event on Tuesday? Is that the BIG week?


This explains how Q group knew to the day when he was going to die.

They didn't kill him. They didn't arrest him. They told him the date this would go public, and gave him a choice: face the music and end up a criminal pariah, or take the cowards way out before then.

The only foreknowledge Q needed to know that "no name would be back in the headlines" is that in exactly a month his involvement in the FISA would be DECLAS (which POTUS has total control over).


This also quells the fear that he will get a hero's send off, instead he is getting EXACTLY what is due to him:

A shallow few days of blatantly insincere pandering, followed by instant humiliation for anyone who was caught with their pants down in the circle-jerk.

Anonymous ID: c5bf8b Aug. 26, 2018, 12:10 p.m. No.2745645   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This also explains why they never said his name.


The only choice they ever gave him was to sing, or die.

They would have let him come forward and admit to the people himself his crimes at any point, and he could have at least cooperated.

That was the only deal he was ever getting, cooperate and confess on your own terms.

Don't, and die a coward.

They couldn't use his name until he made his choice.

He did.