Anonymous ID: 9c384b Aug. 26, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.2745927   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(TFTP) Charitable institutions (like The Clinton Foundation), as Judge Jeanine Pirro has stated publicly, often serve as a slush fund for those whose name the institution bears. Pirro called the Clintons’ foundation nothing more than a “money laundering operation used as a slush fund.”  Now, it seems, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and his institution are coming under fire for contributions it has been receiving from the Rothschild family, a controversial global mining company, and the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia.


Accusations of financial impropriety first arose back in 2008, when The Guardianfirst ran the story. McCain was traveling through the UK, and made a stop at London’s Spencer House, where Judicial Watch, noted Washington watchdog organization, objected to the fundraiser luncheon hosted by the Rothschilds. “The question is whether or not the Rothschilds paid for the event, the venue, the catering, or any other related costs,” asked Judicial Watch’s president Tom Fitton. McCain wasn’t successful in defeating President Obama in the election. Yet while his campaign for president is a thing of the past, McCain’s ties to the Rothschilds and others is present day subject matter. Wikileaks has made certain the issue will not go away.


And ties to Freeport McMoran, Indonesia, and Suharto(implied). Birds of a feather.