Anonymous ID: 568f9c Aug. 26, 2018, 1:49 p.m. No.2746811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7156

I know I'm being persnickety about this, but [30] can't be the number of days between Q's post and NoName's death. However, notice that NoName lived a full 30 days after Q's post and then died on the 31st day afterwards. So [30] probably refers to something else.


Look at the Julian date calendar (pic related) (website ). August 25th is Julian day #237, where July 25th is Julian date #206. 237 - 206 = 31. So August 25th is the 31st day after Q's post. Same result if you count the squares on a calendar.


Regarding the HOUR, not the minute of NoName's death, Arizona does not observe Daylight Savings Time, so from March through November Arizona is the same as Pacific Daylight Time ( ). The NYT said "According to a statement from his office, Mr. McCain died at 4:28 p.m. local time." So 4:28 p.m. Arizona time is the same as 7:28 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time and identical to 6:28 p.m. Eastern Standard TIme (= Central Daylight Time). See


What I find also very interesting is that Senator Ted Kennedy also died of brain cancer (malignant glioma) on August 25, 2009. Also, Beau Biden, son of Vice President Joe Biden passed away May 30, 2015 from glioblastoma. See:


"Just a short time ago, in May of 2008, former senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy passed away from an unspecified malignant glioma of the parietal lobe. A malignant glioma can often progress into a glioblastoma, which evades all the therapy we throw at it." ( )


Newt Gingrich ties all three politicians' deaths to glioblastoma ( ).


Former President Jimmy Carter also had brain cancer, but "Carter’s brain tumor was caused by metastatic melanoma which started in a distant part of the 39th president’s body and traveled to his brain." (sauce ) The melanoma is apparently cured and Carter is still alive ( ).


Here is a list of prominent people who have had brain cancer:


Seems very odd that the USA has had three prominent politicians (NoName, Ted Kennedy, and Beau Biden) with the same type of rare brain cancer and another (Jimmy Carter) with cancer that metastasized to the brain. Q said there are no coincidences. Hmmm …