Anonymous ID: a967c2 Aug. 26, 2018, 2:13 p.m. No.2747077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7135



Jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt structural steel.


Structural steel exposed to 1,000 degrees F for only 30 minutes looses 70% of it strength.


A floor struture designed to support 1,000 tons will only support 300 tons after 30 minutes at 1,000 degrees F.


Result structure failure, ie collapse.


Structural steel exposed to very rapid stress, bending, will snap, break in half.


After collapse with fuel that will normally burn at 1,100 degrees can burn at 3 to 4 X's that when surrounded by concrete.


It creates a crucible , furnace effect.


With heated air rising and air being drawn the current aids in the crucible affect.


Puddles of molten metal I've seen here in pictures appears to be aluminum.


And yes, concrete does in fact burn, just like lava which is molten rock.