Anonymous ID: d56af3 Aug. 26, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.2746993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7311

The Jews did 9/11 as a ritual to set off the next phase of American moronic wars. They did it to bring in Greater Israel which was the dream of the Rothschild Zionist and Albert Pike king faggot Mason.


They love symbolism so they could not pass up the chance to put their mark on the date. 9/11 has other esoteric occult meanings but for us now to understand is the Jewish flag. Blue stripes stand for the two rivers that Israel declares will be their borders. The Nile in the West and the Euraphates in the East. The Star of David forms in Roman Numerals the date 9/11.


Oh they think they are clever. Well when you control Americas Banks, Politicians and Media you think you can get away with any fucking thing that you dream up.


Surprise surprise Mossad. We know the CIA was created to be your bitch. We are not going to put up with it anymore.


The Great Awakening. Ends with Israel. Saved for last for a reason not mentioned once.


9/11 bitches.

Anonymous ID: d56af3 Aug. 26, 2018, 2:13 p.m. No.2747081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7099 >>7108 >>7138 >>7255


There is no way to fuck up the midterms. We will crush the life out of the left. I am voting and all my niggas on here are voting. I am pushing friend to vote my way and I am having little push back. Nigga this is in the bag. Stop concernfagging.