Anonymous ID: d646d6 Aug. 26, 2018, 2:03 p.m. No.2746971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6996



attempted derail from the noName happening just in time when the timezone shift happened


co-opting the red pill narrative and injecting their own easy to read images with the help of the latest Q drop


Clowns take the info out of context and calling it framed since the timecode doesn't fit anylonger


not one single anon on the board anylonger posting the jun 30 drop with the dog day reference


first thread comes up on halfchan, not a single image is posted with the jun 30 drop



Anonymous ID: d646d6 Aug. 26, 2018, 2:10 p.m. No.2747040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7131


this is exact 30 days on the minute

the happening is exact on the timezone shift

this is why you have the first and other have the last day on the moth,

for me, the news broke exact on the dog day

Anonymous ID: d646d6 Aug. 26, 2018, 2:26 p.m. No.2747221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7237

I get the feeling i'm alone here,

seems it is really just me who understands the importance of the 'Jun 30 Infographic'.

I am really the only one who watched how the anons went to bed and the other side of the globe woke up with no info at all, and i watched how immediately the new info dropped by Q was used.


I tried as good as possible to keep the information in the flow, to inform over the timezone above to the other morning anons. I saw how the character assassination begun against those who would continue to post the jun 30 infographic. It was actually just me. Than i saw how out of nowhere the shooting happening started, i knew, it was just a derail, a derail for a short time to inject new elements into the information flow, soon i saw the first thread on halfchan and all the fake infographics or halfasses infographics. They got called out, of course, they where made to be called out. And nobody posted the inforgraphic with the jun 30 drop. Nobody, maybe nobody, who knows, maybe they deleted this little info as soon it would pop up.


am i really alone here?


This jun 30 drop, as the latest Q droped pointed out, was perfect timed on the minute, [30] [0:28] 30 days - 4:28 , perfect timed as a back up prove, i guess.

Well, i guess also not many are aware of the importance of information in a information war. Timezone plays a big role.

I can't do this alone, sorry.