Anonymous ID: bbfd05 Aug. 26, 2018, 3:17 p.m. No.2747773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7875

Question for Bible Fags


is communion something bad guys created?


why would Jesus say "this is my body" "this is my blood" eat of it drink of it…. seems like cannibalism to me.


Jesus was using it as an analogy. But evil fuks are using it as a literal thing to practice every week at mass? This happens at both Christian & Catholic churches…


I'm just curious why ppl dont question it or think its bad/gross to pretend to eat the body of Jesus and drink his blood. seems demented to me.


do u guys do that at ur church or do u pass on it? My 1st time at church today cuz I miss mass yesterday.. I passed on communion… I did a quick prayer asking God forgiveness for not wanting to drink the blood of Christ. … maybe i'm weird.

Anonymous ID: bbfd05 Aug. 26, 2018, 3:41 p.m. No.2748018   🗄️.is 🔗kun


David Seaman follower? he was ripping on Q earlier but provided no evidence as if his work had any weight. lol. he's completely disillusional. in fact he's whole vid about Lionel taking a pic with DT is more proof that Q is real. Potus wouldn't have someone on who was supporting a Fraud. DS = fuk tard. Fulcrum is becoming a shit show.


I also don't believe MCStain killed himself… but none of us will ever see the proof (what really happened) dead/ alive? idk. This is out of our hands but we've always known this. we only get to see a peek through the looking glass - not a direct view. They control the narrative. we are but "shadows and dust" among the feuding blood relatives.