Anonymous ID: e04c96 Aug. 26, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.2747285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7300 >>7309 >>7310 >>7313 >>7315 >>7319 >>7322 >>7326 >>7327 >>7328 >>7342 >>7360 >>7368 >>7378 >>7396 >>7412 >>7416 >>7420 >>7534 >>7537 >>7551 >>7683 >>7746 >>7754 >>7821

>Rule against memeing Barron, 2 breads ago

There is no such rule.

There is no rule against minors in memes.

There is no one to set rules other than BO.

Self appointed board police do not even belong here.

We do not have a rules committee, there is no consensus on any rule except no CP, as well defined in global notables.

Our culture does not condone even following rules, much less pronouncing them.

This is not Twitter.

Anonymous ID: e04c96 Aug. 26, 2018, 3:11 p.m. No.2747699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7723 >>7738 >>7776 >>8042


Its an old Barron meme.

Anons should not be deceived by the people who sit in the thread pronouncing rules. No bewbs, no Nasim, more.

The danger is giving up the culture that got us here and made us effective.

Memes are a unit of cultural transmission.

Kill them and the board is kill.

That is the reason for posting memes that the board sitters whine about.

Our culture is being disrupted with great effectiveness.

Memeing the cult of Barron is part of that culture, and will continue.

But what is more important is triggering the rule making petty tyrants.

They do not deserve the name Anonymous.