Anonymous ID: 4eba75 Aug. 26, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.2748378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8382 >>8399 >>8416 >>8418 >>8428 >>8441 >>8467 >>8539 >>8605 >>8673

Catholic Christian Anon

Pope Benedict basically confined McCarrick to prison for the rest of his life.

Then Benedict suddenly steps down and Francis is voted in and branded as a radical liberal by the MSM…

Not only that, but THEN Francis lifts all restrictions on McCarrick, so he can travel on official Church business!

Where does McCarrick go?


Listen anons, it all seems a little too blatant for me.

Especially when we see the Pope going after Trump in the run up to the election, but leaving HRC alone, who stands against everything the Church represents.

I think Francis and white hats within the Vatican have been working with the same White Hats who put Trump in power.

Francis and Cardinal Burke have been making it appear that there is division between the pontiff and conservative Catholics, when in actuality, Francis has allowed McCarrick to go to China so that all of McCarrick's human trafficking/drug ratlines through China and the Deep State would be snuffed out.

Stop attacking Francis.

If I'm right, he is one of the holiest, most courageous, and greatest patriots the world has ever seen.

He, like Trump, is allowing himself to take hits in the media as a smokescreen for what he is really doing behind the scenes,

Which is draining the swamp of Hell within the Catholic Church.

Anonymous ID: 4eba75 Aug. 26, 2018, 4:56 p.m. No.2748775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8787 >>8792 >>8795 >>8814 >>8837 >>8845


Pope Francis is the Donald Trump of the Catholic Church


He's making Catholicism Great Again while having all the sleepers getting their info from the MSM think that he's doing nothing and taking hits


You believe the same people driving Trump's draining of the swamp wouldn't enlist the help of people within the Vatican as there is so much global corruption that runs through the Church?


It's okay to think the Church is corrupt, but don't be a dummy and assume it's always the Pope who is behind all of it.


Wouldn't it behoove all the gangsters within the Vatican to elect holy men to be Pope for PR/cover purposes?


Come on, Q, back me up here…