Anonymous ID: 65da9a Aug. 26, 2018, 4:25 p.m. No.2748472   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sorry for your loss anon.

I disagree with other anon.

Dont repress it becomes unrequited grief.

God Bless You and Know he is with the Lord now.

Anonymous ID: 65da9a Aug. 26, 2018, 5 p.m. No.2748829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8850

Mexicans are getting an 18/1 return on wages made in America and sent back home. This is the entire reason American wages do not increase. Corporations want Mexicans to work here and immigrants have completely overun the industries like construction. Framers in Pheonix AZ made 20-25 dollars an hour in the mid-nighties.

Today they are lucky to make 15 and often its as little as 12 an hour. If the wall is not built soon the tax cuts will do nothing to improve the lives of blue collar Americans.

It is no accident mid-terms will happen before next wall vote. Its like obamacare.

Promises of something better just give us a majority in house and senate and the Presidency.

Ill bet a donut right now the next funding bill has no money for a physical wall. It will be rinse and repeat of more money for border security.

What happened to DACA.

Dont hear much on that.

Truth is neither the Republicans in power( who want cheap labor) or the Democrats in power ( who want voters) want the wall built or immigration fixed.

I support POTUS but the money he procurred to fix fencing we’ve seen videos of them climbing is a nothingburger.

There will be no wall unless Amercans take to Washington streets and shut things down.

NAFTA takes jobs from American workers to make products cheaper and sell them back to Americans for more than they were paying before. Period. Whats the new F150 starting price? 85 grand? sheet.

Fuck NAFTA and fuck Oligarchs with all promises and no action.

What happened to repeal and replace? 7 years of promises Speaker Ryan. Enjoy your retirement rich on the destruction of the middle class.

Fuck yeah im a concernfag on this issue.

Concernfags got Potus elected to Lock Her Up and Build That Wall.

What is the hold up?