Anonymous ID: 959cd4 Aug. 26, 2018, 4:04 p.m. No.2748245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8545


>Insted of turning himself in, a handful of his wife Cindy's opiates and a cocktail would be…suicide.


And would explain why it took an hour for the "funeral procession"

Anonymous ID: 959cd4 Aug. 26, 2018, 4:37 p.m. No.2748590   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2748463 (Enjoy)


Part 1 of 2

McCain's son, John, was 32 years old and served as a Navy pilot. On August 25, 2018 John was given leave to return to his home where his father continued to convalesce. The family was aware that McCain was under suspicion and that his chief of staff and his commanding officer had both been executed. John's account begins as he enters his home and finds his father at breakfast:


"…I arrived at Hidden Valley at 7:00 a.m. My father was at breakfast. A cup was quickly brought for me and we breakfasted together, afterwards taking a stroll in the garden.


'At twelve o'clock to-day two Generals are coming to discuss my future employment,' my father started the conversation. 'So today will decide what is planned for me;


Shortly before twelve o'clock, my father went to his room on the first floor and changed into a suit.


At about twelve o'clock a black SUV from the US Government stopped in front of our garden gate. Two generals alighted from the car and entered the house. They were respectful and courteous and asked my father's permission to speak to him alone. 'So they are not going to arrest him,' I thought with relief, as I went upstairs to find myself a book.


"I shall be dead in a quarter of an hour"

A few minutes later I heard my father come upstairs and go into my mother's room. Anxious to know what was afoot, I got up and followed him. He was standing in the middle of the room, his face pale. 'Come outside with me,' he said in a tight voice. We went into my room. 'I have just had to tell your mother,' he began slowly, 'that I shall be dead in a quarter of an hour.' He was calm as he continued: 'To die by the hand of one's own people is hard. But the house is surrounded and Sessions is charging me with high treason. ' "In view of my services to the country," ' he quoted sarcastically, 'I am to have the chance of dying by poison. The two generals have brought it with them. It's fatal in three seconds. If I accept, none of the usual steps will be taken against my family, that is against you. They will also leave my staff alone.'


'Do you believe it?' I interrupted. 'Yes,' he replied. 'I believe it. It is very much in their interest to see that the affair does not come out into the open. By the way, I have been charged to put you under a promise of the strictest silence. If a single word of this comes out, they will no longer feel themselves bound by the agreement.'


I tried again. 'Can't we defend ourselves…' He cut me off short. 'There's no point,' he said. 'It's better for one to die than for all of us to be killed in a shooting affray. Anyway, we've practically no ammunition.' We briefly took leave of each other. 'Call Aldinger, please,' he said.


My father now spoke more quickly. He again said how useless it was to attempt to defend ourselves. 'It's all been prepared to the last detail. I'm to be given a state funeral. I have asked that it should take place in Washington. In a quarter of an hour, you, my son, will receive a telephone call to say that I've had a brain seizure on the way to a conference.' He looked at his watch. 'I must go, they've only given me ten minutes.' He quickly took leave of us again. Then we went downstairs together.

Anonymous ID: 959cd4 Aug. 26, 2018, 4:37 p.m. No.2748593   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2748463 (Enjoy)


Part 2 of 2


We helped my father into his leather coat. Suddenly he pulled out his wallet. 'There's still 150 marks in there,' he said. 'Shall I take the money with me?'


'That doesn't matter now, said John Jr.


My father put his wallet carefully back in his pocket. As he went into the hall, his little dachshund which he had been given as a puppy a few months before in France, jumped up at him with a whine of joy. 'Shut the dog in the study, Manfred,' he said, and waited in the hall with Aldinger while I removed the excited dog and pushed it through the study door. Then we walked out of the house together. The two generals were standing at the garden gate. We walked slowly down the path, the crunch of the gravel sounding unusually loud.


As we approached the generals they raised their right hands in salute. 'Herr John McCain,' Burgdorf said shortly and stood aside for my father to pass through the gate. A knot of villagers stood outside the drive…


The car stood ready. The S.S. driver swung the door open and stood to attention. My father pushed his Marshal's baton under his left arm, and with his face calm, gave Aldinger and me his hand once more before getting in the car.


The two generals climbed quickly into their seats and the doors were slammed. My father did not turn again as the car drove quickly off up the hill and disappeared round a bend in the road. When it had gone Aldinger and I turned and walked silently back into the house…


Twenty minutes later the telephone rang. Aldinger lifted the receiver and my father's death was duly reported.


It was not then entirely clear, what had happened to him after he left us. Later we learned that the car had halted a few hundred yards up the hill from our house in an open space at the edge of the wood. Gestapo men, who had appeared in force from Berlin that morning, were watching the area with instructions to shoot my father down and storm the house if he offered resistance. Maisel and the driver got out of the car, leaving my father and Burgdorf inside. When the driver was permitted to return ten minutes or so later, he saw my father sunk forward with his cap off and the marshal's baton fallen from his hand."

Anonymous ID: 959cd4 Aug. 26, 2018, 4:45 p.m. No.2748660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8715


>If Q knew ahead of time (which I truly doubt) and did nothing to stop it, Q is complicit in a conspiracy.


>Do you get that?


You are too dumb to understand the programming that the rest of the population has gone through and what would happen if we didn't just let him have his state funeral and die in "peace" according to the rest of the population.


50% of the population (supposedly) would rise up and destroy the country if HRC was hung. Why not have secret proceedings and let them take the traitor's way out- kill themselves.


He was looking at an impending execution date.

Anonymous ID: 959cd4 Aug. 26, 2018, 4:55 p.m. No.2748757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8804






Ami-I525 ) 30 minutes ago No 133593215


gamers were chosen to be shot because:


break the "idea" of gamergate uniting gamers and against PC culture, put pressure on gamers, all, WHICH IS A HUGE BAND OF INFLUENCERS to ALL come out and vocalize on gun control

it's not enough for some 56% fucktards from a highschool




you will see:








will be heavily pressured to appear in GAY-ASS "gun control.c,for our future / for our future I for / OUR / future" faggy videos


all the kids that inexplicably have 10—1005 of millions of views, all influencers will be HEAVILY FUCKING PUSHED








you will see


this will come out SO FUCKING WELL OILED


NINJA will be saying "I'm ninja, you know my from fortnite, but did you know that there has been 239384983958495849584958498549859388293238293 mass shootings in the US TODAY ONLY??"

you will see


they already have the teams ready


the sock accounts to push and pressure influencers to make videos


REMEMBER the fuck ugly weird-mouthed cassie fagstat? his "FORCE PEER PRESSURE ON INFLUENCERS FOR FREE AD BUCKS" ploy (which he was PAID FOR) was a prelude to this



they will be FORCED TO COMPLY, small steps at first then drawn in


they want ALL streamers to become their political virtue puppets OR ELSE


and that will be people spamming "nigger" in chat so they can blacklisted from twitch I youtube etc


and they will be pushed to perform political ads to keep their views, and those who don't will be shadowbanned


EVERY top 200 streamerfinfluencer that doesn't make an antigun statement in the next 8 weeks WILL NOT BE ON TWITCH IN 4 months




pay attention you fucking lazy cunts


someone copy this into a thread