Anonymous ID: acf927 Aug. 26, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.2748377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8389

>>2747944 (pb)

That makes sense. And fits with his wife who appears with a face like a doper.

I know Laura, W.'s wife is a pill head /drunk?

>>2748034 (pb)

"But I really want to bread the MSM."

Meant to type "Break"

>>2747896 (pb)"

It's done deliberately. We're their toys["Q" also said "Food"] . Remember 'Q" told us we were their target ? ~in so many words.

We are the competitor to their Mass Media!

Mass Media is all they've got, because their empire is built upon lies; it's a "house of cards" no kidding.

One breeze that's a bit too stong. It's all over for them.

They know that and that's why they work so hard and are so freaked out.

It's their bid for intimidation. "Bread" and "!7" Oh really.


You see the shills on here started up on that tack a few days ago?

[Blaming us for ff? with some gore]

Why do they double-down on their lies?

No choice

I thought the chin gesture looked something like Pepe?

Anonymous ID: acf927 Aug. 26, 2018, 5 p.m. No.2748828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8856

>>2748252W.J. Clinton's paternity as presented was incorrect; since the man who was supposed to be his father was abroad at the time he would've been conceived. They now claim the father died in a car accident when WJC was in the womb

Some people claim his bio-Dad is Winston Churchill?

Could some secret society elite been visiting those hotsprings in AK? Connecting through the Rockefeller family?

But before that, the rumor in AK was that this Rockefeller was his Dad.

Clinton is likely related to Rockefeller family one was or another? But "Winthrop" looks nothing like him; so unless they scrubbed and replaced photos it must be someone else.

Sorry to link to Prison Planet from 2012

Bill Clinton-Winthrop Rockefeller's son? (Read 16666 times)

There is a resemblance between Bill and Churchill. And Churchill himself has a foggy paternity.

Notice how POTUS staged the photo op in the chair of Churchill.

Could that have been a swipe at Clinton?