Anonymous ID: c1cdd9 Aug. 26, 2018, 4:46 p.m. No.2748663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8786

REP. JOHN RATCLIFFE, R-TEXAS: I think that, after we work through current Department of Justice employees like Bruce Ohr, we will get to those folks like Sally Yates and Jim Comey and Loretta Lynch that are no longer at the Department of Justice or the FBI, and we will be requesting that they appear either voluntarily or involuntarily, by subpoena, if necessary, because there's been a lot of documents and testimony that has come out since the last time they testified under oath before Congress that calls into question some of that prior testimony.




BARTIROMO: So, connect the dots for us, Congressman.


Sally Yates was the person that Bruce Ohr reported to. Why would you need Lynch and Comey to come back and Sally Yates to come testify as well?


ISSA: Well, partly because of the inconsistencies.


Peter Strzok told us a great deal about Bruce Ohr's activities and what he did and how it was done. And, obviously, you also have McCabe, who was fired for cause.


So, as we get through these – these, if you will, statements that contradict each other, we have a reason to have people back to see if they want to correct the record, in other words, tell us the truth, and the whole truth this time.


BARTIROMO: But where is the accountability for lying in the first place then? I mean, you know, we keep seeing issues where people are getting immunity, and then we know that they lied under oath, and now this.


You have got to have these – this group back because the testimonies don't add up. Are the American people going to see accountability here and justice?


ISSA: You know, Maria, that's one of the biggest challenges.


The Constitution only gives one entity the ability to hold people accountable legally. And it happens to be the entity in which all this wrongdoing was going on. When you have the fourth highest person, the third highest person, and even Loretta Lynch, the highest person, all doing things that are just wrong, and they are the only entity that, in fact, can hold people accountable legally under our Constitution, so it begs the question of, when will the attorney general engage in an area in which he is not recused, order these documents to be delivered in a timely fashion, and begin ordering real investigations leading to criminal prosecutions for false statements and wrongdoing?


This is one of the areas in which my former colleague Senator Jeff Sessions needs to step up to the plate and engage, because it's his responsibility. And, quite frankly, he's the only one that can do it. His number two clearly won't.


BARTIROMO: But, Congressman, his number two is also a witness. Rod Rosenstein signed off on the FISA warrant, for the – for the last FISA warrant.


I want to ask you about that, and I also want to ask you about the president potentially declassifying all of those documents, so that the American people can actually see a transparent situation, what took place in 2016.