Anonymous ID: f38853 Aug. 26, 2018, 3:51 p.m. No.2748111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8801

>>2747912 pb

PS…thx, I made that last night celebrating McDeath after another anon posted Q 5:5 30 day sourced sauce, last night was a glorious night shift! A had a very content hang over all day, glorious I say. Awaiting next suicide, I’m always on the meme ready, this original Pepe meme was the first to Kek it, he was thinking thanking Q might be too soon, so glad Q verified, glorious I say!

Anonymous ID: f38853 Aug. 26, 2018, 4:06 p.m. No.2748271   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fuckin’ A! I’m watching a post MLB game news recap, and they start praising McFuckingStain!!! WTF!!! I have turned off the fake news channels, yes, that’s you Fox! Because of them spurging on that cracker, to watch my failing home town baseball team… and Fox sports try’s to shove that shit in my ears there!!! Fuck them!! Iusualky have the news on all day just to get a bead on their dead pulse, but no, I’m am not going to listen to that crap!!! It’s spongebob until he disappears from the news, please tell me when that happens anons…