Anonymous ID: 5d7cb4 Aug. 26, 2018, 7:06 p.m. No.2750147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0202 >>0265 >>0326

anons looking for possible digs


The Black Mass is a parody of a Roman Catholic mass involving the worship of Satan, or the Devil. Accounts of the black mass come primarily from literature and legend. They describe a number of rituals that generally contradict the message in a proper mass. Participants may suspend a crucifix upside down, recite traditional prayers backward, perform a mock blessing with filthy water, use a naked woman as an altar, sacrifice animals, or perform a variety of bizarre sexual acts.


Hillary Clinton fits the role of Catherine and Lilith to a T, and also explains the regard she is held in for her potential political power and influence on the political agenda here in the United States.


She certainly seemed to know exactly what she was doing when she chose Bill to be her husband, as if the whole thing was planned to happen for her and her handler’s higher agenda. From her own biographical website comes the description of how she met Bill Clinton after entering Yale Law School. The former President often recalls how they met in the library when she strode up to him and said,


“If you’re going to keep staring at me, I might as well introduce myself.”


No words could better describe Lilith’s agenda than as ‘First Lady’ of the reptilian bloodline, with her task to blend the two bloodlines involved, that of the Anunnaki of which she was supreme first lady, and the Luciferian bloodline of Jesus, of which William Rockefeller Clinton was a leading member.


Although seemingly infertile for a long time, Catherine sought also to integrate the reptilian bloodline into the royal Merovingian bloodline of Jesus and the crowned heads of Europe [and later the United States] through her 9 children—a synchronicity in and of itself since she was once the birth goddess for the Anunnaki and would have access to fertility techniques not available to others. Lilith, “she of the night” or “the howler”, said to be Adam’s first mate, had wings [symbolic of an ability to fly –in a craft as the Anunnaki were able to do] and was always portrayed with owls [described earlier in this volume as one of the chief symbols of the Illuminati and the reptilian bloodlines].


Lots at this link to dig ….. I'm digging many others .. exhausting but awakening, Kek

Anonymous ID: 5d7cb4 Aug. 26, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.2750277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0289

Im without doubt in saying; anyone who insults, speaks poorly of others,(except no name) disses Q or POTUS, posts shit appearing real….. don't belong here, they are enemies of the revolution, of We The QAnons, of all American PATRIOTS. By using the above parameters, are easy to spot as antiq ignorable. kekkekkekkekkekkek