Anonymous ID: 66f40f Aug. 26, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.2750086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0098 >>0184

So, I just watched the mind-blowing procession of LE vehicles taking No Name's "body": to the funeral home.


This is so OTT it makes me wonder what they're trying to hide. It's like they're trying waaaaaaaaay too hard to show that he's dead. Which only serves to make me believe that maybe he's not.


I mean, how hard would it be to put a fake body in a coffin (or a real one, heaven forbid), and put Hollywood's makeup artistry to use to make it look like the real No Name? How would we be able to prove it wasn't him? While we watch this ridiculous display, or maybe distraction is a better term, No Name slips out the back door headed for who-knows-where. Anyone else suspicious?