Anonymous ID: a9d49f Aug. 26, 2018, 6:28 p.m. No.2749740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9861

>>2748684 pb

Morning Anons… A Lot of good shit to read this morning, better than I expected with NoName being carted of to Gitmo and all. Glad to see there is other info coming out again.


So I read this movie theory, and it seems plausible. Why? Because I've never been able to put my finger on Pence.There is the old Who is [P] thing, but I've always had this feeling that Pence is one of two things, and they are polar opposites of each other. It seems to me that Pence was brought into this not only to get the Evangelical vote,of which was needed and POTUS is becoming moar of it would seem. But also as part of the plan, to step in to be #46 when POTUS either resigned or was impeached for his actions in this take down of the entire system. The other side of the coin is that he IS on the dark side. He is after all coming from [Governor] of Indiana. With the exception of California and Michigan, Indiana is said to be one of the most fucked up States in the Country as far as trafficking and abuse goes. What if Pence really is [P]? Perhaps we should do some moar digging on Indiana…and with that Pence?… I'mJS