Anonymous ID: db058b Aug. 26, 2018, 7:09 p.m. No.2750181   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Really nice piece from Peter Schweitzer on the Biden/Kerry kids’ canard with china tonight on Steve Hilton’s show. Rosemont Seneca Capital + Bohai Harvest. Plus dirty deeds by Devin Archer in Ukraine. It was one of those few moments where something we repeatedly have discussed breaks through mainstream. Looked at spouseanon who is envious and pissy about my time here and always says “let me know when the stuff you discuss on that board makes it to the tv. THEN it matters, lol. Eyeroll. Anyhow…has heard me go on and on about Bohai Harvest RST long time and tonight I got to say SEE!! Ill take it.!