Anonymous ID: db0ee6 Aug. 26, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.2750381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0388 >>0392 >>0402 >>0403

Have to share


Been red pilling my father since December. He believed some of it because he was looking into the "cult of Rome" 20 years ago, so it wasn't too difficult. He's been sharing with his friends and today oe of them said " is your kid involved in this Q QAnon group?"


He said yes, that's it!


Then he said another one of his friends wants to call me.


But the best part, for me, coming from a man that i could never please all my life. My tough as nails Vietnam Vet Marine… He said, "I'm so damn proud of you!"


I know. Muh feelz, but it felt good!