Anonymous ID: dea389 Aug. 26, 2018, 6:44 p.m. No.2749908   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Listen here you FuckTard FagTwat MOS & CIA junk sucker…You can try all you want to make your BASELESS ACCUSATIONS about CP & this board but our ARCHIVES prove you WRONG!


YOU have sold your damn soul to Satan & are PAID & MADE to post your false accusations. WE SEE YOU!

You are projecting so much that I've filed a report with the FBI to investigate YOU!


Every True Anon on this board has fought against CP & helped expose as many Child Sex Abusers & traffickers than ANY WHERE ELSE on the internet! YOU are trying to smear a board & the Anons who FIGHT DAILY AGAINST CP…so it is YOU who is NOW being investigated!


Reminder…you do NOT know who is on this board as Anon….so do NOT FUCK WITH US!


You just made the list tonight.