Anonymous ID: 251036 Aug. 26, 2018, 8:53 p.m. No.2751122   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This all stems from the fact that Christ blinded the Jews when he entered Jerusalem just before his death. Israel in ancient times went after Baal and the Grove (pre-Roman Christ-mass). GOD divorced Israel (Jeremiah 3:8).


Constantine created the edict of toleration(edict of milan) in 313AD and created the Roman Catholic church, not to be confused with the church in Rome that Apostle Paul wanted to visit, and this new religion was used to appease the Goths, Visigoths, celts, vandals and the huns who, were closing n on Rome to destroy the empire. Alaric I destroyed the Roman Empire in 410AD. it came back later as the "holy roman empire." hence the beast with 10 heads and one was injured unto death but it comes back to life. Roman Catholicism IS the Babylonian worship of Jupiter/Saturnalia and the tree/moon goddess which makes up the greater Christ-mass and Easter/Ishtar worship. the feast of Saturn was a 7 day drunken orgy and Christ doesn't want his name connected to a drunken orgy. And Billy Graham was a part of that farce