Anonymous ID: 33b814 Aug. 26, 2018, 8:13 p.m. No.2750826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

by Michael Nield

March 2005

from PoliceStatePlannig Website





Part 1 Three Hundred Trillion Dollars And Counting


Chapter - Money


Chapter - The Great Trust


Chapter - The Great Trust And Western Foreign Policy


Chapter - Communism And Fascism


Chapter - Lesser Developed Countries


Chapter - Privatization In The West


Part 2 The Art Of Killing Quietly


Chapter - The Economy


Chapter - The New Political System


Chapter - The War On Terror


Chapter - Martial Law


Chapter - The Legal Apparatus Of Totalitarianism


Chapter - The Technological Apparatus Of Totalitarianism


Chapter - The Family And Religion


Chapter - Population Control



Anonymous ID: 33b814 Aug. 26, 2018, 8:26 p.m. No.2750939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0969

The One World Government and One World Religion will not succeed in forming as long as there are differences in thought. All other political and religious belief systems must be eliminated by a variety of methods through the press, television, movies, and educational mediums.


The New World Order philosophy is to subdue passively in the beginning, but aggressively near the end. It is now accepted because it appears to be for peace and prosperity. Later, when the majority of political and military power-elite has accepted it, it will show itself for what it really is very violent and aristocratic.


The New World Religion is pushing for the ‘hive mentality’ with the achieved collective consciousness, harmonic convergence of oneness of mind. There will be no room for any personal opinion or individual thought process. Persons that choose a separate route will be eliminated.


In 1989 when George Bush, Sr., and Mikhail Gorbachev shook hands the nobility of Black Arts Occultism converged with Socialist "oneness of mind" and atheistism. This ‘Unity through Diversity’ doctrine was a must with our CSETI/NASA Group in Project Falling Star. When the group was together and had an honest oneness of purpose, the UFOs would come to us. I entered some sort of altered state of mind and UFOs would communicate with me by ESP. I knew which mountain to go to and they would show up.


The New World Order is constructively socially engineering all societies on earth to meet this purpose. The people that I was associated with in "Riders on the Storm" have been working to achieve the New World Order for quite some time. Some of the spin-doctors have been under CIA pay and/or the training and dictates of the Tavistock and Stanford think-tanks. One must wonder why a medical doctor like Steve Greer who has not practiced medicine very long, would be chasing UFOs and who is paying him? Why is it Greer and Dr. Alfred Webre (lawyer and environmentalist) appear on the most popular UFO and Globalist shows like Art Bell’s, "Coast to Coast" and Jeff Rense’s, "Sightings" and they have no evidence to prove their so-called experiences.


The majority of the media is dancing to the beat of the spin-doctors in radio, television, newspapers and movies. Those people that were really on the inside of any Black Science or Black Operations projects are barred from the media until the World Federalists have eliminated them by death or imprisonment or have converted them to their agenda through a variety of mind control techniques.


Patriots and Christians are the targets of the liberal media and new generation of super electronic, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Read Colonel Alexander and Dave Alexander’s books, "The Warrior’s Edge", "Future Warrior", and "Tomorrow’s Warrior." They openly state the enemy of Globalism is American Constitutionalists and conservative Christians. (Colonel John Alexander was commander of Los Alamos and Defense "non-legal weapons" products. These weapons can control your mind, stop your heart, or fry you by microwave, like an egg.)


Those conservatives, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc., that does not go along with the New World Order Religion will be "cleansed" from the earth.


Gorbachev and the Pope have been meeting for a decade with the men I mentioned in "Riders on the Storm" that are connected to CSETI. The idea is to bring the UFOs and the Ascended Masters to earth for all of humanity to see and worship. The project I was on was a "dry-run" for it. Remember, Barb Hubbard’s ‘New Ninja Army’ are the ‘Riders on the Pale Horse’ that are ordained to commit mass murder and genocide.

Anonymous ID: 33b814 Aug. 26, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.2751074   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes I watched this before Q shocking for anyone that expands their thinking to the reality of what he is saying, not hiding anything just as he says is done.