Anonymous ID: 67bdf8 Aug. 26, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.2750511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0540 >>0542 >>0621 >>0736

>>2748684 pb movie script


I really fucking think Pence is fucked. He showed up unknown. Crushed his debate. We loved him.


Flynn 'lied' to Pence and got fired. Just like he 'lied' to the FBI and got charged. Even the fucking agents are saying he didn't lie. Plus pic related.


Wtf #1.


Manafort goes down for all kinds of shit while he was lobbying for Podesta Group in Ukraine before the Crimean annexation. The lobbying was pro Russia. Podesta Group shuts the fuck down. Q calls Manafort a plant.


Wtf #2.


How the fuck did Pence beat out Gingrich, Christie, Huckabee, Giuliani for the VP spot? We know, actually.


Manafort lied to Trump. He convinced Trump the plane was broken and they were stuck for the night. Trump had breakfast with the Pence family and decided to drop Christie.


Pence is VP because the Podesta Group plant hoaxed plane troubles.


Wtf #3.

Anonymous ID: 67bdf8 Aug. 26, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.2750648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0668


Yes because they force Trump to do stuff. Jfc.


Fucking tard.


Why wouldn't they force him to step down? What were they going to do if Trump didn't let them FORCE the decision on him?


Were they gonna refuse funding? They did that. We're they gonna smear him in the press? They did that. We're they gonna have all the other candidates go never Trump? They did that. We're they gonna smear his family and hoax charges against his people? They did that. Were they gonna support Hillary? They did that.


Your fantasies about Trump weakness are showing.