Anonymous ID: 1aa9f1 Aug. 26, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.2751211   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is that masturbating dolphin thing on NBC - it's a code -


The cult color codes are


Green Forrest = "I am your plant"

Yellow Sunshine= "Gold/Reward"

Blue Ocean= "Info/Surveillance"

Red Fire= "Anger/Smear"

Orange Sunset= "End this now"


NBC sent a message with this clip of dolphin headed men masturbating/kissing. They are in orange (end) pants with orange (end) balloons with a red (smear) one on top. Lyrics include "Alone in the dark" and there are blue (info) monitors everywhere… do you get it? It's about Doxxing what you do in private.


The cult is moving forward with a plan to use your internet history against you. dolphin head = see into the "ocean" of info they have against you - To let others see what you do in private - Japanese characters = use the strangest porn they view. Note the sunset (end) in the background. It's possible the porn sites will also be a great danger now as they all unleash hooks of some kind to mess with your computer, the bad guys do own the porn sites after all… Well, be careful and be prepared for some giant porn doxxing