Anonymous ID: 941731 Aug. 26, 2018, 11:38 p.m. No.2752044   🗄️.is 🔗kun


REVERSE POLARITY SUNSPOT: New sunspot AR2720 is not only large, but also strange. Its magnetic polarity is reversed. The North and South ends of its enormous magnetic field are backwards compared to the norm for sunspots in the current solar cycle, decaying Solar Cycle 24. What does this mean? AR2720 may be the first big sunspot of the next solar cycle, Solar Cycle 25, popping up now in the middle of solar minimum. Solar cycles always mix together at their boundaries. The slow transition between Solar Cycle 24 and Solar Cycle 25 appears to be underway.


SURPRISE GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Last night, a crack opened in Earth's magnetic field. Solar wind poured in to fuel a strong G3-class geomagnetic storm.