Anonymous ID: b56306 Aug. 26, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.2752081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2122 >>2730


>>2751171 Russia Registered Ceasefire Violations in 13 Locations in Syrian Idlib Province

>>2751236 DOD tweet: Training in the smoke!

>>2751165, >>2751255 Was NBC News Embarrassing Dolphin "Mistake" a message?

>>2751497 Jacksonville Shooter was Madden 17 Champ - Coincidence?

>>2751438, >>2751453, >>2751474, >>2751489 Traitor [No Name] and the POW Cover-Up

>>2751633 Russian prosecutors brand US group Pacific Environment ‘undesirable organization’: dig

>>2751844, >>2751839, >>2751871 MOAR Slush Funds for the Elites, thru Farm Subsidies/Insurance payments

>>2751530 Red Pill for Newfags: Israeli and Jewish involvement in massive global organ and human trafficking


Corrected by next baker w/prev. baker's okay

>>2751992, >>2752005, >>2752026, >>2752061

Anonymous ID: b56306 Aug. 27, 2018, 12:04 a.m. No.2752136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2157 >>2176


Any way we can get primary sauce on this claim? The twat itself doesn't sauce it, and "crime reporter" isn't a strong enough secondary sauce IMO.



You were exactly the kind of Anon I was thinking of when asking above. Katz is a common (((surname))) but knowing they're fed employees and had a divorce within the time frame of the boy's age might be enough to find them.

Anonymous ID: b56306 Aug. 27, 2018, 12:13 a.m. No.2752175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2200 >>2231


Heard. Updated dough reflects.



>Seems we have fallen for shill division

Quite the opposite my (((friend)))

>See something. Say something.

Oh we do. We did. All these fine Anons here did just fine on both counts.

>>2752125 >>2752128 >>2752132 >>2752134 >>2752135


We see (((you))).

So does Q team and the US Mil.

No reason to keep quiet about it anymore.

It's all over but the crying.

So please, do.

Cry moar.

Anonymous ID: b56306 Aug. 27, 2018, 1:28 a.m. No.2752504   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Will mention next shift.

Oh goodie, can't wait.

But if you can't stay up that late,

I've attached our Suggestions Box.

← Just leave your note here.

Anonymous ID: b56306 Aug. 27, 2018, 1:32 a.m. No.2752524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2534 >>2537 >>2618

Basket of deNotables

#3476 Baker change

>>2752151 In Stunning Reversal, Cohen's Atty Backpedals On Trump-Russia Claims

>>2752318 Side-by-side: Xbox Live Comms Down Q post, and Human trafficking map

>>2752307, >>2752316, >>2752367 Brits discuss mounting MSM attack on Jeremy Corbyn.

>>2752293 Wut. US Inmates Demand 'Living Wage' Amid Largest Prison Strike In History

>>2752259, >>2752264 Two side-by-sides on Huber, soon to be ]Huber[ mebbe?

>>2752211, >>2752220, >>2752226, >>2752243, >>2752233, >>2752250, >>2752337 OpEd/Anon commentary on Chinese fuckery, (((Roths))) and Sassoons

>>2752181, >>2752240, >>2752292 Creepo artist dig (if emaciated babies is "art")

>>2752030, >>2752032 Albert Pike digs: (((Roths)))/Masonic agent, Natives fuckery

>>2752028, >>2752064 Side-by-side: Q1932, Q1305, UCM Articles 30, 34, Lindsey Graham

>>2752017 Side-by-side: PF168, "Define 'Subversion,'" and related 2016-'18 Acts

>>2752052, >>2751965, >>2752176 Katz art. & UNSAUCED leads: med probs/fed parents?


Checking now to see whether the top one, the Cohen one, is a repeat…

Anonymous ID: b56306 Aug. 27, 2018, 2:08 a.m. No.2752663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2685


Ty Anon. Noted.



I think I'm gonna put a nice red-pilly JQ post in notes in these stupid fucks' honor. Had they just shut up, I prolly wouldn't've. But isn't that exactly (((their))) problem–always push too far, never know when to quit? They should have taken their Israeli state and all moved there b4 we finally got hip to their shit. We'd have happily accepted the losses of the last century(s) of highway robbery just to be done of them. But they won't be satisfied till they've drained every drop of blood from us. Their trademark "chutzpah" is what awakens the Saxon every time, and there's no putting that genie back in the bottle. Yeah they're scared. They should be.

Anonymous ID: b56306 Aug. 27, 2018, 2:11 a.m. No.2752682   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#3476 Baker change

>>2752346, >>2752384, >>2752432 Jews and the NAACP: Black Awakening coming?

>>2752318 Side-by-side: Xbox-Live-Comms-Down Q post, and Human trafficking map

>>2752307, >>2752316, >>2752367 Brits discuss mounting MSM attack on Jeremy Corbyn.

>>2752293 Wut. US Inmates Demand 'Living Wage' In Largest Prison Strike In History

>>2752259, >>2752264 Two side-by-sides on Huber, soon to be ]Huber[ mebbe?

>>2752211, >>2752220, >>2752226, >>2752243, >>2752233, >>2752250, >>2752337 OpEd/Anon commentary on Chinese fuckery, (((Roths))) and Sassoons

>>2752181, >>2752240, >>2752292, >>2752444 Creepo emaciated-babies-"artist" dig

>>2752163, >>2752112, >>2752236 Allen & Company LLC digs with NBV and CIA connections

>>2752151 In Stunning Reversal, Cohen's Atty Backpedals On Trump-Russia Claims

>>2752030, >>2752032 Albert Pike digs: (((Roths)))/Masonic agent, Natives fuckery

>>2752028, >>2752064, >>2752388 Side-by-sides: Q1932/Q1305, UCM Articles 30/34

>>2752017 Side-by-side: PF168, "Define Subversion," and related 2016-'18 Acts

>>2752052, >>2751965, >>2752176 Katz art. & UNSAUCED leads: med probs/fed parents?

Anonymous ID: b56306 Aug. 27, 2018, 2:13 a.m. No.2752692   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks for taking a look Anon

Yeah, I was leaning against for same reasons

Gang culture is violent enough on its own

doesn't necessarily indicate FF

Anonymous ID: b56306 Aug. 27, 2018, 2:32 a.m. No.2752739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2741 >>2742 >>2743 >>2747

Fresh Bread Bowl




Fresh Bread Bowl



Already baked, can you post next bread Anon?



>It's a raid from 4chan.

Lol, who do you think started this board?

You do remember Q came to /pol/ first, right?

You can only fool the newfags w/your Talmudic lies if we don't push back. (In case you haven't noticed, we're pushing back)


Nice copy-pasta you got there.

I can see how you might think it could work a second time after not working the first time.

'D-' for effort



If you're so thin-skinned to sperg out the first time your work isn't noted, this isn't the right environment for you. Good luck wherever you choose to MAGA tho, and thanks for contributing however you can. WWG1WGA.