Anonymous ID: d65227 Aug. 26, 2018, 11:58 p.m. No.2752113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2140

ISIS Leader in Afghanistan Killed: Reports


Updated: August 26, 2018


The leader of the ISIS terrorist group in Afghanistan was killed by U.S. forces in a drone strike, officials said.


“The emir of Daesh in Afghanistan—along with 10 others—was killed,” it said, using the terrorist group’s Arabic acronym, the Afghan National Directorate of Security said, according to Qatar-backed Al Jazeera. A number of weapons, explosives, and ammunition were also destroyed in the airstrikes, the agency said.


U.S. Forces-Afghanistan spokesman Lt. Col. Martin O’Donnell said that the ISIS branch leader, Abu Sayeed Orakzai, died in the drone strike.


“I would also add that the United States unrelentingly continues its counterterrorism efforts against ISIS-K, al-Qaeda, and other regional and international terrorist groups,” he told Fox News. ISIS in Afghanistan is sometimes known as ISIS-K.


O’Donnell referred to a statement by Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani about the leader’s death.


The local affiliate of ISIS, sometimes known as Islamic State Khorasan (ISIS-K) after an old name for the region that includes Afghanistan, has been active since 2015, fighting the Taliban as well as Afghan and U.S. forces.


The airstrikes were carried out in Nangarhar Province near Pakistan’s border. Ten other ISIS fighters were killed.


A commander of the terrorist group ” identified as Musafir was among those killed in the airstrikes,” Khaama Press reported.


ISIS Leader Speaks

Meanwhile, in leaked audio messages, ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly stated that ISIS groups are losing and it is a test from Allah. “The scale depends on how much faith the worshipper has,” he said, CNN reported.


“For the believer Mujahideen, the scale of victory or defeat is not counting on a city or town being stolen or subject to those who have aerial superiority, or intercontinental missiles or smart bombs, and not how many followers they have,” he said.


If the recording is really of the ISIS leader, it would be the first since October 2017 when the group was pushed out of Raqqa, Syria. There have been a number of reports of his death or injury.


“U.S. Central Command is aware of the alleged audio recording,” Central Command spokesman Capt. William Urban told CNN on Aug. 22. “I am not going to comment on our assessment of the recording. We do not know where Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is at this time, but he continues to be someone that we are interested in removing from the battlefield.”


“I do not believe that any official US government source has ever claimed that he is dead,” he said, adding that he believes that the ISIS chief is still alive.


ISIS has been active in Afghanistan since around 2015, fighting against the Taliban and U.S. forces, according to NBC.


Meanwhile, in May 2018, the U.S. Air Force released video footage of airstrikes in Farah Province, Afghanistan, which targeted Taliban forces.



Anonymous ID: d65227 Aug. 27, 2018, 12:01 a.m. No.2752123   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Re-Launches Navy’s Second Fleet, With an Eye on Russia


Updated: August 26, 2018


As Russia expands its military activity in the North Atlantic and Europe, the United States is responding by reactivating the Navy’s storied Second Fleet.


“There are some bad actors on the world’s stage,” fleet commander Vice Adm. Andrew “Woody” Lewis said during a ceremony at the fleet’s home port of Norfolk, Virginia, according to the Navy Times.


“We call them competitors in our strategic documents. They intend to undermine and rewrite the order that America established at the end of World War II, and threaten the very birthright freedoms that we hold sacred.”


The Second Fleet was created after World War II to counter Russia during the Cold War. Its most famous exploit was the blockade of Cuba ordered by President John F. Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis.


In 2011, during the Obama administration’s efforts to “reset” relations with Russia, the fleet was deactivated and its ships were reassigned to other commands.


At the Norfolk ceremony, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson said, “A new Second Fleet increases our strategic flexibility to respond—from the Eastern Seaboard to the Barents Sea.”


This ability to respond is in line with the National Defense Strategy. In remarks presenting the strategy, Defense Secretary Gen. Jim Mattis said in January, “Though we will continue to prosecute the campaign against terrorists that we are engaged in today, but Great Power competition, not terrorism, is now the primary focus of U.S. national security.”


Of concern to the United States are the large amounts of oil and natural gas available to be exploited in the Arctic, the development of new sea lanes as Arctic ice melts, and Russia’s wide-ranging and sophisticated submarines, armed with new missiles meant for striking land targets.


“We’re not looking for a fight,” Richardson said. “But the best way to avoid a fight is develop the most powerful and deadly and competitive Navy possible.”



Anonymous ID: d65227 Aug. 27, 2018, 12:07 a.m. No.2752151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2180 >>2497 >>2524 >>2682

In Stunning Reversal, Michael Cohen's Attorney Backpedals On Trump-Russia Claims

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 19:56


Lanny Davis - the attorney for Michael Cohen, has massively backpedaled on "confident assertions" that Cohen would share information with investigators that President Trump knew of Russian efforts to undermine Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton - a lifelong friend of Davis'.


The Washington Post reported on Sunday that Davis said in an interview that he is "no longer certain about claims he made to reporters on background and on the record in recent weeks about what Cohen knows about Trump's awareness of the Russian efforts."


Davis told The Washington Post that he cannot confirm media reports that Cohen is prepared to tell special counsel Robert S. Mueller III that Trump had advance knowledge of the 2016 Trump Tower meeting -WaPo


CNN reported in July that Cohen claimed to have witnessed Trump approving the meeting between Trump Jr. and Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, arranged by an associate of opposition research firm Fusion GPS.


The day after CNN's report, the Washington Post - using an "anonymous source" they now admit was Davis, peddled the same story that "Cohen had told associates that he witnessed an exchange in which Trump Jr. told his father about an upcoming gathering in which he expected to get information about Clinton," however the Post didn't say Trump Jr. told Sr. it was the Russians.


“I should have been more clear — including with you — that I could not independently confirm what happened,” Davis said, adding perhaps the most difficult four words for an attorney to utter: "I regret my error."


In the past week, when asked directly by CNN’s Anderson Cooper whether there was information that Trump knew about his son’s meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya beforehand, Davis said, “No, there’s not.”


In a statement Saturday, a CNN spokeswoman said, “We stand by our story, and are confident in our reporting of it.” -WaPo


Andrew Surabian


  1. CNN reports Cohen has info on POTUS having advanced knowledge of Trump tower meeting.


  1. @jonathanvswan reports Cohen told House Committee he had no such info.


  1. Cohen's lawyer confirms Swan's reporting.


  1. CNN refuses to correct their "reporting"


  1. @brianstelter silent.


7:11 PM - Aug 26, 2018


The Post also notes that people familiar with Cohen's Congressional testimony said that despite being "interviewed extensively," Cohen never said anything to suggest that Trump had advanced knowledge of the meeting, while "Sens. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), leaders of the Senate committee, said in recent days that Cohen had sent word to the committee that he had no desire to amend that testimony."


On Saturday, President Trump tweeted about Davis's stunning 180 on the Cohen claims, writing: "Michaels Cohen’s attorney clarified the record, saying his client does not know if President Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting (out of which came nothing!). The answer is that I did NOT know about the meeting. Just another phony story by the Fake News Media!"


READ MORE: https://

Anonymous ID: d65227 Aug. 27, 2018, 12:13 a.m. No.2752177   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Not Commercially Viable" - British Airways, Air France, KLM Axe Flights To Iran


Mon, 08/27/2018 - 02:45


British Airways announced Thursday it plans to stop service to Tehran after its last scheduled flight on September 22.


A British Airways (BA) spokesperson announced the move, which comes after the latest round US sanctions went into effect against Iran this month: "We are suspending our London to Tehran service as the operation is currently not commercially viable."


“We are sorry for any disruption this may cause to our customers’ travel plans and we are in discussions with our partner airlines to offer customers rebooking options," the airline said further. “Alternatively, they will be offered a full refund or the opportunity to bring their flights forward," the BA representative said


BA London to Tehran service was re-launched in September 2016 after a four-year absence due to worsening British-Iran relations, and now with the return of tensions over Washington's pullout of the Iran nuclear deal last May, it appears the airline's forward bookings have taken a significant hit.


Earlier this month the US warned Britain that it must back the Trump White House's tough stance on Iran or "face serious trade consequences".


Meanwhile Air France and KLM have also announced the cancellation all flights to Tehran, with the last Air France flight on Sept. 18. Air France had already drastically cut its operations to Iran as it transferred all connections to its low-cost airline Joon this summer, and was down to one flight per week from the prior usual of three.


And Dutch airline KLM had previously announced last month the suspension of all flights from Amsterdam, set to also take place in September.


They join a growing list of other major firms that have recently curbed or halted business in Iran include French energy giant Total, Germany’s Siemens, French and German automotive manufacturers PSA and Daimler, the world's largest shipping firm Maersk, French aircraft manufacturer Airbus, Germany’s engineering and rail consortium Deutsche Bank, as well as the German insurer Allianz..


    • *


On August 7 the US imposed Phase 1 of a series of sanctions against Iran.


At a glance, these cover:


Auto industry: Carmakers who also operate in the US market must pull out of Iran, currently the world’s 12th-largest car market.


Gold and precious metals: Ban on selling these substances to Iran, which will cause difficulty for the country’s investors looking to safeguard their wealth against the falling rial.


US banknotes: Stepping up pressure on Iran’s central bank as it attempts to stabilise its currency.


Aviation: Cancellation of US sales of civil aviation planes and parts to upgrade Iran’s ageing commercial fleet.


Other key industries: Ban on US imports of Iranian carpets, pistachios and farmed caviar.


And on November 7th phase 2 takes effect, mainly targeting Iran’s oil exports, which could prove the final death blow to Iran's already downward spiraling economy.



Anonymous ID: d65227 Aug. 27, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.2752219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2365

Russian Grand Strategy Revisited


Mon, 08/27/2018 - 02:00


Authored by Andrei Martyanov via,


We live in the world of models, all kinds of them. Some models are simple, others - very complex. The main task of those models is to predict how things, those models describe, will behave depending on the circumstances. Some of those models work brilliantly, others fail miserably. Worst models in terms of reliability are those dealing with geopolitics. A record of dismal failures of Western in general, and American in particular, geopolitical models to predict anything right is widely available for everyone to see. Time after time those models and predictions turned out to be wrong. In terms of “predicting” anything in regards to Russia, those predictions were not only wrong, they were downright dangerous.


No better demonstration exists of a complete breakdown in the process of predicting anything than evolution of Russian military and economic power. As late as 2016, claims that Russia remained nothing more than, in the words of John McCain, a gas station masquerading as a country continued to pour in by all kinds of “experts”, who, despite a huge collection of facts to the contrary, continued to believe that these are only Russia’s nuclear forces which keep Russia as some secondary factor in the international relations. There are even some Russian experts who shared this point of view. Their models and predictions turned out to be wrong. They lacked the most important predictor of them all.


Fast forward to March 1 this year to Putin’s speech to Federal Assembly - the loud echo from this speech is still being heard today, half-a-year later. It is still loud. In fact, the volume increases. It was the day majority of models of international relations and balance of power, all those matrices, differential equations, arrays of information became completely irrelevant, because military power and full ability to wage both nuclear and, what is most important, conventional war, and win in it, not some abstract financial or cooked military “rankings” data, is what defines geopolitical status of the nation. Any serious military analyst knew already in 2014 that neither US, nor NATO as a whole, could defeat Russia in conventional war near Russia’s borders.


On March 1 it became clear that Russia can strike any targets, including within the US, conventionally with US not being able to do anything about it. Today Russia can also sink any NATO navy, or combination thereof, without nuclear weapons and the list of what is possible is long. In what seemed to a layman as one day (in reality it was 10 years in the making) Russia not only obtained a full right to speak at the formation of the new world order, Russia became a main driver behind this new order of things globally. Cutting edge military power translates into geopolitical benefits extremely well. Real military power, assessed within proper strategic, operational and technological framework, was and is this predictor. In other words—only world-class, superpower, economies are capable of producing the state-of-the-art weaponry or, in general, military power. Russia fits this definition today perfectly. I will quote myself:


Military power in humanity’s conflict-ridden history mattered, matters and will continue to matter as one of the main, if not themain, pillars on which national power rests. It remains the case that, in the modern world, first rate military power is a function of a first rate nation-state which possesses the wherewithal to have such military power. Great military power by definition is a continuation of a greatly developed, economically strong nation-state.


Fast forward to today. Next state of Russia’s existence, yet again lost in all those modelling and prognosticating methodologies. Russian GosKomStat (main statistics agency) reports that industry, specifically manufacturing and processing, grew in 7 months of 2018 an impressive 4.1%, the consumption of energy—one of the main indicators of real economy growth—grew 1.9%. These are stunning numbers for the country which lives under sanctions non-stop since 2014, in reality much longer than that. One is forced to ask the question—how is this growth even possible, despite some undeniable Russia’s structural economic problems?


The answer is in Russia’s grand strategy which was formulated more than hundred years ago by a man, who played one of the crucial roles in unleashing revolutionary processes in Russia, namely Tsar Nicholas II former prime-minister of Russia Pyotr Stolypin.


His strategic dictum was simple to grasp:


“Give Russia 20 years of internal and external peace and quiet and it will change beyond recognition.” Vladimir Putin and his team follow this dictum to the letter.


READ MORE: https://

Anonymous ID: d65227 Aug. 27, 2018, 12:44 a.m. No.2752293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2295 >>2355 >>2362 >>2524 >>2682

US Inmates Demand 'Living Wage' Amid Largest Prison Strike In History


Sun, 08/26/2018 - 23:20


On Tuesday, inmates across the United States began a 19-day campaign to protest the dehumanizing conditions of the American prison system, one of the potentially largest prison strikes in American history


As Statista's Sarah Feldman notes, the organized dissent is planned to take the form of hunger strikes, sit-ins, boycotts of prison payment streams like collect calls, along with slow to no labor by the 2.3 million people currently serving time in the United States.


The prisoners have a series of demands: improve prison conditions, end to life without parole and solitary confinement, increase funding for rehabilitation services, and grant voting rights for people convicted of a felony.


One of the biggest demands for the strikers is an immediate end to compulsory and imposed labor for little to no pay.


ou will find more infographics at Statista


Able bodied imprisoned people are put to work in correctional facilities doing cooking, cleaning, and grounds keeping along with possible labor outside of prisons, which is often dangerous, like in the case of prisoners fighting wildfires in California.


Currently around 800,000 prisoners work daily for meager wages that are often docked for court-assessed fines, family support, and discharge money.


States like Arkansas, Georgia, and Texas offer no compensation for work performed while in prison. Even for the highest paying states, the low end of compensation only outperforms states like Texas by around two quarters and a dime.


Consider your free room and board and skill training … payment



Anonymous ID: d65227 Aug. 27, 2018, 12:48 a.m. No.2752308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Britain Prepares For War Against Russia

Mon, 08/27/2018 - 03:30

Authored by Brian Cloughley via The Strategic Culture Foundation,


The headline in the UK newspaper the Daily Mail on August 7 encapsulated much that is paranoid in sad modern Britain. It read “Russian warships pass through English Channel as Putin's armed forces ratchet up pressure on the Royal Navy.”


Certainly, the United Kingdom is in a state of crisis; but it isn’t because of any sort of military threat. The vote to leave the European Union was a major slide down the greasy pole of decline and Time magazine summed up the debacle by pointing out that:


“At heart of this political saga is the fact that the politicians leading the Brexit “Leave” campaign — Boris Johnson chief among them — never actually explained to the British public what a vote for ‘Leave’ entailed. The promise of Brexit was all things to all people, which is how it managed its 52- to 48-percent victory over the ‘Remain’ side. Then prime minister David Cameron resigned, and it fell to his successor Theresa May to figure out what Brexit actually means.”


The Brexit pantomime is taking place in an era in which it is recorded that “As benefits are cut and rents soar, Britain has seen a staggering rise in homelessness: the number of rough sleepers in England alone has more than doubled since 2010. Almost 1.2 million older people in Britain, as well as another one million disabled people, are living without the social care they need for basics such as eating, dressing and washing. It’s horrific: severely ill people forced to wait 14 hours to go to the toilet or wheelchair users who, with no assistant to help them cook, are now malnourished.”


But this dreadful state of affairs means nothing to those who lack for nothing — which includes politicians of the governing Conservative Party who demand that more taxpayers’ money must be spent on military hardware. The previous defence minister, Michael Fallon (who had to resign because he was found out to have indulged in some sexual shenanigans), told the BBC last year that “we will be adding to defence, there will be new equipment and the budget will grow every year” and the present one, Gavin Williamson (the man who said that Russia should “go away and shut up”), demanded in June that Britain increase its annual military spending by £20 billion, or about 25 billion dollars.


The strange thing about agitating to spend more money on armaments is that, apart from an indubitable terrorist menace, there is no military threat whatever to Britain. On the other hand, there is a social crisis of the most serious magnitude. As the New York Times reported in May, “the protracted campaign of budget cutting, started in 2010 by a government led by the Conservative Party, has . . . yielded a country that has grown accustomed to living with less, even as many measures of social well-being — crime rates, opioid addiction, infant mortality, childhood poverty and homelessness — point to a deteriorating quality of life.”


READ MORE: https://


Anonymous ID: d65227 Aug. 27, 2018, 12:58 a.m. No.2752356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2361

NOAA Issues Geomagnetic Storm Warning: "A Crack Opened In Earth's Magnetic Field & Plasma Started Pouring In"


Mon, 08/27/2018 - 03:40


According to NOAA Space Weather forecasters, a powerful G3-class geomagnetic storm is in progress on August 26th as Earth passes through the wake of a coronal mass ejection (CME) that arrived with little notice approximately 24 hours ago. Strong magnetic fields in the CME’s wake have cracked into Earth’s magnetosphere, allowing solar wind to enter. So far auroras have been sighted in Scandinavia, Canada, and northern-tier US states such as Michigan and New York


“The geomagnetic field is expected to be at active to G3 (Strong) geomagnetic storm levels on day one (26 Aug) due to continued influence from the 20 Aug CME. Quiet to active conditions, with a slight chance for G1 (Minor) storm conditions, are likely on day two (27 Aug) with quiet to unsettled levels likely on day three (28 Aug) as CME effects gradually wane,” said the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center


Steven Herman, the White House bureau chief of Voice of America (VOA News), reported the strong geomagnetic storm on earlier Sunday morning. He shared a note listing the potential impacts of the storm, which included power systems, spacecraft, satellite communication networks, and even radio disruptions


The K-index, a chart that measures the earth’s magnetic field with an integer in the range 0–9 with 1 being calm and 5 or more indicating a geomagnetic storm, hit the 4 threshold was reached at 21:43 UTC on August 25, followed by K-index of 5 (G1 Minor) at 01:54 UTC on August 26, K-index of 6 (G2 Moderate) at 02:57 and K-index of 7 (G3 Strong) at 05:59 and 07:38 UTC


G3 Strong geomagnetic storm potential impacts:


Area of impact primarily poleward of 50 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude.


Induced Currents – Power system voltage irregularities possible, false alarms may be triggered on some protection devices.


Spacecraft – Systems may experience surface charging; increased drag on low Earth-orbit satellites and orientation problems may occur.


Navigation – Intermittent satellite navigation (GPS) problems, including loss-of-lock and increased range error may occur.


Radio – HF (high frequency) radio may be intermittent. Aurora – Aurora may be seen as low as Pennsylvania to Iowa to Oregon.


Dr. Tamitha Skov, a space weather forecaster, warned “this solar storm may have a predictable magnetic field, so for emergency responders to Hurricane Lane, I offer this worst case. We will likely reach solar storm conditions (Kp5-Kp6) for the next 6-8 hours at least. Expect mid-latitude aurora, & poor ham radio!”


Anonymous ID: d65227 Aug. 27, 2018, 1:24 a.m. No.2752484   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BOMBSHELL: “Consensus” theory of evolution of the species falls apart; new mitochondrial DNA study reveals NO animal species more than 200,000 years old

06/10/2018 / By Isabelle Z.


A surprising new study is casting serious doubt on the popular theory that modern animals are the result of millions of years of evolution. After looking at the mitochondrial DNA of thousands of animal species, including humans, researchers reached the stunning conclusion that nearly every species dates back just 100,000 to 200,000 years.


The study was carried out by the University of Basel’s David S. Thaler and The Rockefeller University’s Mark Young Stoeckle. According to the conventional narrative of evolution involving adaption based on genetic mutations and survival of the fittest, one would expect older species and those with big populations spread across the planet to have greater genetic variation. However, the researchers actually found that 90 percent of the animal species have mitochondrial DNA variation that is similarly low.


The scientists were taken aback by the finding. Thaler said: “This conclusion is very surprising, and I fought against it as hard as I could.” After all, the common notion that the evolution of species on our planet has been a progressive and slow process is rarely challenged by scientific studies.


This study took a different approach than those of the past, which have looked at nuclear DNA. Every animal has DNA in its mitochondria. One of the genes found in mitochondria, COI, is used for DNA barcoding. While nuclear DNA differs dramatically from species to species, animals have the same mitochondrial DNA, making a good basis for comparison.


After analyzing these barcodes across 100,000 species, they discovered strong evidence that almost all animals emerged right around the time humans did. This was because there was no variation in the “neutral” mutations, or slight DNA changes across generations that don’t impact an individual’s odds of survival. The similarity of these neutral mutations to one another can be likened to the rings in a tree in terms of their ability to indicate a species’ approximate age.


Humans, animals remarkably similar

It’s also very interesting to note their findings that the genetic differences between humans around the world aren’t any greater than the differences between any two pigeons or any other animals. According to Stoeckle, “Culture, life experience and other things can make people very different but in terms of basic biology, we’re like the birds.


“By determining the genetic variety within species of the animal kingdom, made possible only recently by the burgeoning number of DNA sequences, we’ve documented the absence of human exceptionalism.”


How can it be that the vast majority of animal life is approximately the same age, genetically speaking? According to their findings, most – if not all – animal species actually got their start 200,000 years ago with their mitochondrial clock essentially set at zero. They were believed to have gotten their start with small “founding” populations that later expanded, possibly in response to extreme conditions like the last ice age. This means that the possibility of intelligent design is still very much on the table, despite what Darwinian adherents would have you believe. (Related: Huge contradictions in “scientific” thinking revealed … Theory of evolution in no way explains origins of life.)



Anonymous ID: d65227 Aug. 27, 2018, 1:50 a.m. No.2752600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2610 >>2630

Bill Gates and the US Energy Department to develop small nuclear power reactors that are less expensive, more efficient and 'could power America's energy future'


US Energy Department announced that molten salt reactors are getting a reboot

The new commercial technology will be less expensive and more efficient

The agency is teaming with Bill Gates' TerraPower and several other companies

Testing is expected to begin in 2019 with a prototype by 2030


UPDATED: 16:37 EDT, 26 August 2018


The Energy Department is teaming up with Bill Gates to develop small nuclear power reactors to bring to the market.


In a tweet Wednesday, the Energy Department wrote: 'Molten salt reactors are getting a reboot,' revealing that their new reactors are less expensive and more efficient than the current ones.


The reactors have been around since the 1960s and now nearly 60 years later, several companies - including Microsoft Founder Bill Gates' TerraPower - are in the process of developing them as commercial 'energy systems of the future', according to the department.

The US Department of Energy has already invested more than $28million for the project to test materials in the reactor.


These new technologies use liquid salts as both coolant and fuel.


The Energy Department said that this technology 'could power America's energy future!'.


The agency shared a diagram of the reactor and said the process is more efficient at producing electricity than light water reactors and would also produce less waste than current one.


It is also a safer technology as it has what the industry calls a 'walk-away-safe' design that shuts down the reactor on its own to prevent fuel damage.


'If there is a loss of coolant flow, the fuel salt would expand through the reactor core to passively halt the process and naturally circulate to remove decay heat,' the agency said.


This is not Gate's first time getting involved in nuclear reactors.


In 2010, Gates partnered with Toshiba to develop a next-generation nuclear reactor that could operate for up to 100 years without refueling.


Southern Company and TerraPower are currently in the early design phases. They are working with Oak Ridge, Idaho National Laboratory, Vanderbilt University and the Electric Power Research Institute.


The companies expect to begin testing a $20million test facility starting in 2019.


After testing, Southern Company and TerraPower plan to develop and license a test reactor before developing a 1,100-megawatt prototype reactor by 2030