Anonymous ID: 5874c9 Aug. 27, 2018, 4:34 a.m. No.2753078   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Schools used to have surplus M-16s and M-1s to use for sanctioned shooting courses and/or competitions. Justice Scalia used to openly carry his rifle on the NYC subway system and no one thought anything of it. Kids in rural areas used to bring shotguns to school, store them in their locker, nothing ever happened. I wasn't around back then, just been told stories about how even in Chicago, they would get surplus rifles from the military, stories from old timers in the gun community about how things used to be. But I like the idea of teaching every kid how to safely handle a firearm. That's where all of this hoplophobia comes from. The fear of the unknown, that which can and will kill you if misused. Every left-leaning person (because I don't deal with the leftists of today) who I've taught how to shoot has completely changed their views on firearms. It's normal to be scared of something like that, just gotta show em that shooting is fun, useful skill, and the odds of being injured or killed in the process are very slim if proper safety precautions are in place and followed.



A statist cop or entrenched liberal would say you do heh even though they only go through 40 hours where I am (and they still shoot each other while fucking around at the range). It's just for legal purposes since can't transfer a long gun to a minor.