Anonymous ID: da6c23 Aug. 27, 2018, 2:55 a.m. No.2752805   🗄️.is đź”—kun


kekkle…found one article that stood out…


makes it seem like it was the first documented case in discovery until it tells you they already named it long ago, donovanosis, and that it can be treated into full remission by antibiotics. The news about it has been up on the feeds just as long as the warning about heart attack symptoms not mimicking pedowood movies when it comes to early signs…about 3 days now to my memory, possibly longer…

Anonymous ID: da6c23 Aug. 27, 2018, 3:37 a.m. No.2752926   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2954 >>3398


thanks for the breakdown baker. I remember similar happenings and remember it in a similar fashion. At the time I was still a rookie as I am now, but way worse…timid and unsure, completely unfamiliar with the chan culture. The gist of it was "comped beyond usefulness" A lot of weird shit went down at 4 chan before the migration here, including the DTTTanon phonecall from Q after a picture was deciphered by DTTTanon and posted with "Fake, Q is fake"..granted, it was not decided that is exactly what happened but that is what I felt at the time it did happen and I have not seen anything to change my mind. In fact, the pixelknot deal kinda reaffirmed my little theory for me, and DTTT most likely was called because Q was searching out those whom had the skills to be reading the comms by DS in pol via photos, which most likely implicated DTTTanon as either someone who has been watching and waiting for the cavalry to arrive, or was himself/herself a DS operative…I know the stupidity of these people, so I wouldn't put it past a DS operative to not have smelt the trap if it were that.


On the Jewish thing….I'm not a religious anon in the least bit. My belief has always been that there is not a book on this planet that can teach morality and respect for life itself, and those whom follow their religion based on a book have already outed themselves as unwilling to simply be human and treat others as well as they themselves would wish to be treated as well as respecting the other life in nature around them and treating those life forms with the same utmost respect. When it comes to Jewish culture and history, I am no fool to the narratives that are out there, nor to the history that is told about them and certain atrocities. I am not one to judge, as you are obviously astute at this job and have seen plenty more than I have here in the chans regarding such matters. My father was married to a Jewish woman, and her mother along with her family were completely about that culture, so I was exposed to it in a fashion for the few years I had went from my mother's to live with my father before I went out on my own. Rather weird customs they have, but I can tell you that my father's wife did in fact lie many times about me to my father so as to disguise her own hatred of my presence there, and attempted many times to even get me to believe the lies. But I never grew to hate anyone. I was exposed to many cultures throughout my life, and see no color or creed aside from right and wrong in a moral sense. I don't doubt that Jewish culture has flourished behind the scenes at the expense of all around them not of Jewish heritage, nor would I doubt they also allude to using the same tactical manipulation against their own cultural members should it be deemed beneficial to them at the time. I brought that question to light in the other bread about why we migrated because it had seemed you instantly denied anons from 4 chan were a possibility to the shill increase on the board was all. Thanks for your work as baker, I am sure you don't get thanks enough.

Anonymous ID: da6c23 Aug. 27, 2018, 5:11 a.m. No.2753244   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3263


very interesting knowledge you have to say the least. I am glad we are seemingly "coming to our senses" so to speak…makes it quite a hopeless deal for a lot of people when you bring hereditary aspects of human factions into the mix…a battle to rid the world of ourselves it would seem. Not knocking your field of study, I truly am interested. Part of my own understanding and perspective of humans in general is that even the best, most astute morally prominent figures are capable of uttermost evil, most potently so. It has long been my belief and saying to people seeking answers that in all of the divisions we have as a species…language, race, color, customs, beliefs, etc….we all share a simplicity to our nature….I view this simplicity as a scale with 0 as the fulcrum in the center….both sides of the fulcrum point are limitless/infinite in definition of character, I.E. one side "good", one side "evil"…either side may be the alignment of any particular individual, but in order to proceed down one side of alignment, the exact length on the other side must be fully understood so as to maintain a balanced alignment. I have never been one to look into genetics as a reasoning behind why certain people perform certain acts in their lifetimes….while yes, there may be a factor there indisputable, whereas evil itself may eventually be purged from humanity by simply recoding the genes and/or eliminating certain aspects of the genes, but my perspective is much simpler….values are installed by nothing more than one's own scrutiny of his/her actions while developing as a child and interacting with other children in daily activities. Society and it's standards were hijacked long ago by conformation tactics deployed by our very governing factors and ultimately places improper morals and beliefs within the minds of developing children. We all know it to be true, whether we are willing to admit it or not. The very ignorant understanding many people have of our flag, for instance, is pure example of just how brainwashing "patriotism" can be, as all who strive to protect their own origins carry their own flags and defend those flags against all others not bearing the same flag themselves. The heraldry of upstanding individuals defending a piece of cloth with a history behind it no one on this planet can claim themselves to be factually true is beyond hypocritical and borders what most religions would consider "false worship" I personally would defend my country if I had the opportunity and necessity to do so, but, I would place the exact same fervor into defending another's country should they be victims of ignorance such as "my flag is better than your flag" like most wars end up becoming aside from complete utter lies in the end anyway. My opinion is our nature, no matter our origins, is simply a matter of perspective which when installed bears the choice of the individual at that time and along their path of life chooses to either abide by installed narrative and consider it his/her own, or, understand the installed narrative and remain objective while abiding by it so as to be able to relinquish said narrative due to conflicts of personal empathic feelings while applying that narrative to real life events and witnessing the results not for self, but for the others around while the narrative is allowed to influence or affect them. I hope I am not boring you, just taking a much needed break from things and am actually enjoying the intellectual conversation as I go about my digging.