Anonymous ID: 63acb1 Aug. 27, 2018, 6 a.m. No.2753527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3678 >>4030 >>4172

Incase missed last bread


Sleeper’ case could torpedo Mueller report

It might even keep the special counsel from sending a report to Congress, shaking Democrats’ hopes that such a document could provide the impetus for impeachment proceedings.


But if a Washington appeals court set to hear the murder-related case next month sides with the Justice Department and rules that judges don’t have the freedom to release grand jury information that is usually kept secret, it could throw a monkey wrench into any plans Mueller has to issue a public report on his probe’s findings, lawyers following the issue said.


And it might even keep the special counsel from sending a report to Congress, shaking Democrats’ hopes that such a document could provide the impetus for impeachment proceedings against the president.


“It is a sleeper case,” Harvard Law professor Alex Whiting said. “If the D.C. Circuit were to accept the Department of Justice’s arguments…that would have potentially enormous implications for the future of the information from the Mueller investigation. That could close out a path by which that information becomes public.”

Anonymous ID: 63acb1 Aug. 27, 2018, 6:16 a.m. No.2753618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3640


The number 17 is responsible for, Insight, responsibility, self-discipline, strength, compassion, spiritual consciousness, and wisdom, a desire for peace and love for all of humanity.

Anonymous ID: 63acb1 Aug. 27, 2018, 6:24 a.m. No.2753656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3683


Not sure about sauce.


North Korea accuses US of plotting invasion while talking with 'smile on its face'


Rodong Sinmun, the official mouthpiece of the Workers' Party of Korea, cited alleged U.S. troop movements in the region, which it called "extremely provocative and dangerous" and said they threatened to derail the dialogue between the United States and North Korea.


The U.S. military called the accusation "far fetched."


The opinion piece came two days after President Donald Trump canceled a planned trip to North Korea by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, citing a lack of progress in getting North Korea to surrender its nuclear weapons.


The Rodong Sinmun piece did not mention Trump by name or the decision to cancel Pompeo's trip. Media outlets controlled by the Pyongyang regime have been careful not to criticize Trump directly since his June 12 meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, reserving occasional ire for Pompeo and other members of the administration. But the timing of the piece may be more than coincidence.


Rodong Sinmun cited a South Korean radio broadcast claiming that U.S. "special units" had recently flown to the Philippines, arguing this was a drill simulating "infiltration into Pyongyang." It also claimed that the USS Michigan nuclear submarine had transported "Green Berets, Delta Force and other special units" from Okinawa, Japan, to the Jinhae naval base in South Korea in late July or early August.


Col. John Hutcheson, the director of public affairs for U.S. Forces Japan, said he wasn't sure what drills the piece was referring to.

Anonymous ID: 63acb1 Aug. 27, 2018, 6:35 a.m. No.2753705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Europe working on payment system alternative to SWIFT & IMF to attain financial independence from US


German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas says Europe has started work on creating a system for money transfers that will be autonomous from the currently prevailing Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT).

“That won’t be easy, but we have already started to do that,” Maas said at the annual Ambassadors Conference in Berlin on Monday, as quoted by RIA Novosti. “We are studying proposals for payment channels and systems, more independent from SWIFT, and for creating European monetary fund.”


Maas also announced plans to reveal a new foreign policy strategy towards the US.

Anonymous ID: 63acb1 Aug. 27, 2018, 7:27 a.m. No.2754041   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It was lashing rain yesterday. People just said fuck it, im not going to stand in a field for hours getting drenched! In 1979 people would have endured anything to see JP.

Anonymous ID: 63acb1 Aug. 27, 2018, 7:35 a.m. No.2754096   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah they are not going to release anything. Its setting the stage for it. Mueller has nothing. Hopefully DJT Will insist on at least a statement of innocence without revealing details.

Anonymous ID: 63acb1 Aug. 27, 2018, 7:40 a.m. No.2754132   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trying to show strength . …


IRGC Navy head: Iran has full control of Gulf and Strait of Hormuz

Following Iranian threats to block the Strait of Hormuz, a major oil shipping route, in retaliation for any hostile US action, head of the Revolutionary Guards navy says the Islamic Republic now fully controls the passage.


The remarks come at a time when Tehran has suggested that it could take military action in the Gulf to block oil exports of other regional countries in retaliation for US sanctions intended to halt its oil sales. Washington maintains a fleet in the Gulf which protects oil shipping routes.


Tangsiri said Iran had full control of both the Gulf itself and the Strait of Hormuz that leads into it. Closing off the strait would be the most direct way of blocking shipping.



"We can ensure the security of the Persian Gulf and there is no need for the presence of aliens like the U.S. and the countries whose home is not in here," he said in the quote, which appeared in English translation on Tasnim.,7340,L-5336036,00.html