Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 6:07 a.m. No.2753564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3621


I have been digging the same thing a different route….has the profession, wife, and relatives been determined for that Richard Katz? I have found a Richard Katz who was a Democratic politician whom served the Cali State Assembly in representation of the 39th district for 16 years, concluding his career in 1998 when he lost the primary to another. Wife's name was Wendy Mitchell, who was also in government employ and was appointed to the Cali Coastal Commission in 2010 and resigned that position in 2016…links upon request unless your R Katz has been confirmed

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 6:20 a.m. No.2753638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3655


ah nice…great job on that one….we should call the media and tell them there is no point in withholding the names via ongoing investigation because one way or another the anons are gonna get to the bottom kek…fucking using "security of investigation" or "national security" to avoid telling the citizens whom ARE the nation is getting quite tiresome really.

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 6:23 a.m. No.2753650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3665 >>3710


yes it was, I brought that to attention quite a while ago…he stopped using 13 and started using 17 pretty abruptly…would have to dig his tweets to find exactly when, but the last time I said the same thing about a different tweet, no replies…shilling was heavy

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 6:27 a.m. No.2753668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3676


very topic question…I have a clipboard and snip tool, to create the graphics, are you simply snipping and placing on one clipboard and then adding the highlights on specifics, like arrows and boxes….would love to learn the methods behind the graphics creation, as I am quite sure I can contribute massively.

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 6:30 a.m. No.2753686   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have a feeling most of them are either bots or those unwilling to jar themselves from the narrative……Only been on the chans since Oct, but I can tell many here get duped and fooled as if it were a game, and I am sure that the intelligence levels I sense in here (fucking massive, to say the least) somewhere along the lines, many whom are here lost long battles of wits and are sourly refusing to be lulled into something as massive as this for fear of the letdown factor….just my opinion…the shills that really tried to bury shit are pretty much on vacation.

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 6:37 a.m. No.2753714   🗄️.is 🔗kun


heh, now we can understand why meds which cost pennies to make are sold for massive amounts….meh…we knew that already….I am not one to really wish another's downfall, but those people who work in that field for that company making that much deserve that which is coming to them on a one way trip.

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 6:39 a.m. No.2753729   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ahhh I see how it happened and vaguely recall that being said in a POTUS tweet or somewhere else. Gets hard to keep up and going back is necessary…will do that and refresh my memory.

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 6:53 a.m. No.2753802   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they have an answer for that too kek…gods will was no influence by any upon his creation so as to alter his creations free will….devil said fuck that, yo eve, eat that tasty apple and make sure adam has a bite…….pretty sure the real question should be how from two individuals did so many races with obvious differences spring forth? Bet ya that question would trap a lot of hypocritical mofos, as the only answer would be natural evolutionary diversity meaning we all came from the inbred offspring of that first generation and are in other words related directly to all those we profess to hate….the idiots who wrote the bible obviously had a very low IQ…just as low as those willing to accept it all as factual occurrence….even the parts where god speaks in the third person…wish I could remember the excerpt but there is absolutely NO common sense nor ability to logically perceive the things written in any of those books…you find that same type of entertainment in fantasy fiction novels in today's age but THOSE actually have a story which can be believed as possible.

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 6:57 a.m. No.2753837   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Michael Flynn Jr





10 minutes ago





Michael Flynn Jr


Retweeted Donald J. Trump

I find it hilarious the people who reply to Trumps tweets.


As if these morons think he reads them.




Michael Flynn Jr




Donald J. Trump

Verified account



A big deal looking good with Mexico!


wow, I hope he is speaking about the negative ones in the comments…poor choice of words in my opinion…just saying…..

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 7:12 a.m. No.2753935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3959


meh…mental breakdown? Nah, guilty of giving in to lust and took a 9 iron upside the head. He paid dearly for his infidelity and lost much that mattered to him as he should have. I certainly hope his little thing with the reporter doesn't get him targeted by MSM so they bring up old shit the man already paid for…..once your dues are paid as per satisfaction of conviction and sentence, that should be that. This world is soon to remember that little ditty, because it is now full to the brim with individuals whom have made mistakes, paid for them as per the laws of society, and are yet still labeled and targeted for those mistakes they paid for….shit is gonna stop one way or another.

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.2754009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4273


the only thing "discovered" by Q research is that there are things in this world which will unite those willing to set aside differences and actively seek to resolve the problems those things cause for humanity as a whole……only those who have the necessary resources, finance, technical know-how, secure location, defensive strategic defenses to protect all of the above, and the proper agenda to utilize the devices which allow them to stay ahead of this game "discover" things….we simply piece those things together for ourselves to understand the power those who would use all of the above to enslave us have….

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 7:27 a.m. No.2754043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4079


sigh…I can only imagine the fury he incites in those who are stupid enough to believe POTUS is out to enslave us all….I did warn many about the red pill being in pill form now, but in suppository form later…..that was a great meme kek

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 7:32 a.m. No.2754072   🗄️.is 🔗kun


condolences anon….no one should have to experience that sort of bullshit……however, do not believe everything you hear about terminal diseases……in the future, if it is made known that it was the treatments and not the disease itself, which is highly likely, would you have the mind and heart to accept that truth as well as understand while pretty fucked up, you are not the only one to have witness such evil? Stay positive anon, there are those of us who are really attempting to stop the system from stopping us from knowing and seeing the truth with our own eyes. My prayers go out to you.

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 7:52 a.m. No.2754199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4205


no need for explanation, as for chatting it up, intellectual conversation is more than welcome here pertaining the situations that arise due to the division we have all suffered, and I know there are many who take inspiration from the words spoken here….


I have spent the past 3 decades and then some being awake and aware to human's lies, shunning, mocking, and disrespect. I am deaf, but as good as I have gotten, you would never know it if we met unless I told you. The thing is, at times, I have had to tell some, (many many many fucking times over and over and over…fucking never ends) that I am in fact deaf and need something repeated. I have said "I am sorry" so many times so as to alleviate others impatience hopefully long enough for them to relay what they were saying before it becomes impossible for them to even believe talking to me is time well spent. I have firsthand witnessed the cruelty that children harbor due to their socialized upbringing and low tolerance for anyone who is not 100% able to follow their train of thought or perspective, or simply cruelty aimed at the differences of one when many are the same. I don't gleefully bash my species, but humans are fucking stupid, and that will never change until they are made aware of it. I did so..I went to a normal school, normal college…graduated top on my class with honorary inductance into Phi Theta Kappa, tutored students while in college in courses I never took and helped them all understand that they simply didn't understand they were their own worst enemy regarding the subjects which they were attempting to learn and pass satisfactorily. I helped so many people actually graduate when they were labeled not likely to succeed that I still have nicknames from those days and friends whom no matter what would not hesitate to ask me for help or help me should I need it. Hell, after college I went on to building Navy combat vessels and became one of the top producers in the skilled labor in less than a year and was unsurpassed in ability to make the most complicated of build look like a walk in the park…believe me when I tell you, my empathic abilities to sense the pain out there due to the sheer fucking ignorance that is social humanity is astounding to say the least and is in fact quite painful. All of these peoiple are simply protecting the last bit of humanity inside of them from outside attack by a society built not for individuals, but for conformity towards agenda disguised as prosperity but in reality is nothing more than slavery. I sit by helpless towards the physical aspect of resolution to such problems, as simply killing all the idiots would litterally destroy the gene pool at this point, and so what remains is the intellectual relation to others at their own level of perspective. Believe it or not, you might have felt that power as you read my words, if not, these words ought to help a bit more….you are NOT alone, nor is the individual to whom you referenced that story.

Anonymous ID: 6760ef Aug. 27, 2018, 8:06 a.m. No.2754285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4294


while I agree to some extent, breads are infinite, and when Q posts, anons jumping on Q's cock/twat is certainly not more important on infinite breads than words meant to inspire understanding necessary to allow someone who is genuinely seeking such inspiration. I do understand how hard it can be at times to follow, however, what my opinion is, anons with genuine skills apply those skills and remain within the boundaries of those skills while relying on their fellow anons to add to the combined skill set with their own different skillsets to make the chans quite amazing. intellectual statements are only a waste should they not be read and either accepted or debated. When Q posts, if you were an anon with the ability to do so, you would be able to handle such traffic quite easily, as intellectual statements not aimed at getting a (you) from Q are quite easily separated from the massive shill slides which occur anyway when Q posts. Not bitching ya out anon, but attempting to make you understand this board is NOT about nothing but "discovering" things already known by those who are actively playing this plan out against DS…we are here to understand that which is already known and has been/is being acted upon in real time so we have the necessary level of perspective and patience to help others recover from the reality that is going to eventually replace the dreamland they are in. Just my opinion, but I think you will be extremely hard pressed to deny the logic within that statement. Again I'll say, in another perspective, you are correct. When Q posts, attention is necessary, and I too would be focused on my own skills to apply to help others figure other the meaning behind the madness when it is dropped.