Anonymous ID: 927b14 Aug. 27, 2018, 8:52 a.m. No.2754672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4682 >>4892 >>4955

Your daily reminder that the Jews did 9/11.


They so love their symbolism they left their flag on the date itself.


Most of you know they love their Gematria and Numerology. Well look at this the Zionist flag which the blue stripes stand for the Nile and the Euphrates Rivers. The Zionist claim all the land from the Nile to the Euphrates.


Well to set of a new phase of Zionist bullshit they did 9/11 to bring the American Forces to destroy any Muslim country that was a threat to their expansionist ideas.


The Zionist Flag has two stripes which are blue for the rivers. The rivers form the I Roman Numeral. The Star of David forms the X Roman Numeral. Together 9/11 is their actual calling card on the body. Why do you think all the Media began calling it 9/11? Could of picked any hundreds of names. World Trade Center Attack or something. We dont call Pearl Harbor December 7th. No the Media (entirely Jewish owned) began running with 9/11 immediately. Almost like that was a 4am CIA talking point.


NO the Jews put their on Flag on the Twin Towers. As a fuck you to the goy. After all what can we do when they owned the President, the Congress, the FBI, the CIA? Why not have a little bit of fun with it?


Good times.

Anonymous ID: 927b14 Aug. 27, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.2754862   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Imagine how tired we are of Jewish Supremacist Fuckery? Imagine the World without their taxing Humanity for the right to breathe so the Jew can sit around and produce nothing? What do you think Jewish Central Banking does? Taxes us for printing our own countries money.


Until the Jews tell the truth and do the right thing. Until the Jew learns to create and not steal they will be looked at with suspicion. Until they stop the Opioids and the poisoning of the vaccines the will be resented. You can not abuse every other race and religion on the planet and not expect a whirlwind to show up one day and bring you to ruin.


The time grows short to begin to make amends.

Anonymous ID: 927b14 Aug. 27, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.2754921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4955


Not so much. You have a very strong lack of understanding of what is happening here.


Sure every other group on the planet has people involved in this fuckery. But the number one tool of the NWO is the JEWS. They are the only ones trusted to run the Media, the Banks and the Politicans.


They are the number one driver of this.