Anonymous ID: aa1a0c Aug. 27, 2018, 8:28 a.m. No.2754473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4494 >>4649

Consider that in 2000, these countries had no central bank: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, NK, Iran. In 2017, only Cuba, NK, and Iran have no Central Bank; NK has fallen so the bank is being installed now; Iran is the active target and the intent is to install a Central Bank there. Every country without a Central Bank in 2000 has seen major U.S. Military action, after which the Central Bank pops up. How convenient.


On August 21, this was tweeted: Here we go!!! Collapse of the Petrodollar incoming! Finally!!!!!!!!!!! Watch the Strait and when SHTF grab everything you can hold!!!!


This morning headline news on Fox said Iran declared total control over the Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.


With Russia’s help, Iran has moved to their own crypto currency that allows them to fully bypass U.S. led sanctions. It’s appearing that the plan we should all trust, which is now focused on toppling the government in Iran so a Central Bank can be installed (among other goals), is hitting a serious glitch.


Another tweet from 8/21: Yard sale on the USA coming November 5th. Everything must go. Up to 70% during the fall of Capitalism sale.


August 26: Next up. A bank run, followed by #hyperinflation. Smells like a Christmas tree in my mind right now.


Trust the plan? This IS the plan. THINK.