Anonymous ID: df9680 Aug. 27, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.2754913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4927


Stormy and Playboy McDougal set up by HilBarry klan to sting Trump -

A “Monica Lewinsky” type impeachment trap. Have Stormy & Playboy McDougal blackmail DJT campaign, get paid by Cohen-Enquirer then Honeypots resurface with Clinton paid lawyers post election to destroy DJT (as prez or future candidate).

Then Mueller-Rosenstein (past “suits” for Hillary) raid Cohen ofc to get documents from their sting operation.

Then indict Cohen/ campaign for campaign finance rules and use as a base for impeachment like the Monica sting.


Not likely DJT interested in Stormy as porn is hot bed of STDs HIV and Playboy is known CIA honeypot blackmail trap.