Anonymous ID: e8c1d0 Aug. 27, 2018, 8:25 a.m. No.2754453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4528 >>4541 >>4557 >>4658 >>4752 >>4847

NO Deals I believe Q ref was to more than 1 Traitor,

NO Deals hence, how do /ourguys/ make NO Deals while

NO Deals getting some to flip, sing, tell all?

NO Deals

NO Deals Best Theories, anons?

NO Deals …. offer safe passage to fam, save legacy, save

NO Deals from death penalty for some???


And Go!

Anonymous ID: e8c1d0 Aug. 27, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.2754541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4546 >>4557 >>4580 >>4658 >>4667 >>4752 >>4847




No Name SongBird


This guy one of our biggest Spring Boards in my mind because his past is not only documented, he

1) cuts across many, many generations (81 y/o),

2) in through the entire news cycle of POTUS 45, including Plan B fake Dossier,

3) BEST Part: He was lifetime REPUB!

(rino of course)

This INSULATES 45 from false narrative, that

Trump is purely political…..

Opens then the door to EVERYONE tied in to

Deep State domestic & foreign.


Q is Brilliant!

The incoming shocks tied around No Name

will be easier for Normies, though not easy.