Anonymous ID: 0f1851 Aug. 27, 2018, 9:49 a.m. No.2755101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5131 >>5135 >>5159 >>5223 >>5226 >>5232 >>5239 >>5253 >>5297 >>5364 >>5372 >>5405 >>5832 >>5841

I work in public education. Just got back from a welcome-back-to-school meeting where administrators lectures teachers. Topics covered:


  1. Gun control

  2. Sandy Hook

  3. A Black Lives Matter video

4.Using the education system to promote equality


At no point during the 3 hours was educating average Americans addressed.


If the MSM is enemy #1, the education system is a close second. The indoctrination is so deep. It's going to take 10+ years to fix.