Anonymous ID: 18a4dc Aug. 27, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.2755149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5155 >>5162 >>5163 >>5169 >>5249 >>5306 >>5478


no wonder ive lost all disrespect for most women.

>dress half naked for attention

>act surprised when nipple falls out

>ooohhh oops but muh modesty


class is rare these days. its so refreshing to see a classy woman in a nice pair of blue jeans instead of skin tight yoga pants showing off every nook and crany of their pussy and ass. they are raised to believe its ok, but also if a man notices hes a creep and a predator. the female sex needs to wake the fuck up and realize they are brainwashed to be used as the biggest psy op in history. against men.

Anonymous ID: 18a4dc Aug. 27, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.2755413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5446 >>5456 >>5458 >>5476 >>5541



anons need to be careful. there is nothing to tell me yesterdays shooting was a FF, and ive studied them extensively. sometimes people are just crazy. if it was the usual FF we'd be hearing about "muh gun control" today. also anons named two faggots on the board yesterday before the actual shooter was named. with everything happening anons better find their A game cause if we continue to be this careless its going to really make things difficult going forward with the happenings we are expecting.


Anonymous ID: 18a4dc Aug. 27, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.2755512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5521


>I smell shill.

must be if i disagree with you


>no history of being reported to/interviewed by the FBI

>commited shooting 100s of miles from home at an event he was participating in

>no history of major mental problems

>no history of the usual cocktail of MK Ultra mind breaking prescription drugs

>no known history of being bullied

>no known history of lengthy gynecological treatment by psychiatrist


do i need to keep going or is that enough to overcome the stupidity in your head to make you think like an anon yet? Im not saying FF shootings dont happen but this one doesn't fit the bill faggot. start thinking like an anon.