Anonymous ID: 27db17 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.2755662   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Scandinaviafag here.


I have friends in the military in a scandinavian country. Just a couple of days ago we were out celebrating and the military guys discussed an assignment coming up, which was to protect/assist at least one british plutoon going through a scandinavian country. Stand guard at pauses and during night camp and such things. They did not know any details as to why, where they would be going or exactly when but the had been asked to prepare for it.


I have no sauce for this obviously, but drop this here in realtion to the post linked. Something is going on.


It would make sense for british forces to establish prescence in the north of norway/sweden/finland where the russian border is among many other places of course.