Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.2755087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5106 >>5541

==THIS GUY IS GREAT=Zach Hing Breaks Down White Privilege in America “It Does Not Exist” (VIDEO)==


Every once in awhile you run into someone on the internet or YouTube who is just exceptional.


Candace Owens broke through with an amazing video on her support for President Trump and a supportive tweet from Kanye West.

Now here comes Zach Hing.


Zach Hing released a video last Tuesday on the myth of white privilege in America.

The video already has 179,000 views on YouTube.

(It’s a bit surprising that YouTube has not yet banned it?)


Zach Hing argues that “white privilege” does not exist in America. Zach explains why Asians are the most affluent race in America today.


“Why are we the most affluent race? It comes down to simple choices and economics that determine the possiblity of a good and fulfilling and well-paying career over time. In terms of education, this is where our stereotype comes into the mix. We study hard, we work hard, we go to good schools, and despite affirmative action plans that have been put into place to make the barrier to entry more difficult for Asians, we still get into these schools. We still get good jobs… I don’t care about being politically incorrect.”


Zach is a member of the #WalkAway movement.


He understands the BS the left is pushing and he is not afraid to speak out about it.

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 9:48 a.m. No.2755091   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.2755153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5256 >>5731

EU security must no longer depend on US – Macron


The security of the European Union must no longer depend on the US, French President Emmanuel Macron said. He also called for a review of the security approach towards Europe's partners, including Russia.


Europe can “no longer” entrust its security to the US alone, the French president said, speaking at the annual French ambassadors' conference at the Elysee Palace in Paris.


“It is up to us today to take responsibility and guarantee [the EU’s] security and, therefore, EU sovereignty,” he added.


Speaking about Brexit, he stressed that France wants to maintain "strong relationship" with London but “not at the price of the dissolution” of the EU. It is necessary to build "a strategic partnership" with the UK, he said, adding that he has “the same thought” about EU neighbors Russia and Turkey.


The French leader stated that he wants “to launch an exhaustive review of [EU] security with all Europe’s partners, which includes Russia.”


Note: Threatens Syria".

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:01 a.m. No.2755197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5218 >>5236 >>5475 >>5518 >>5731

Pope Dismisses Explosive Testimony Of Abuse Cover-Up: I Will "Not Say One Word"


Speaking to reporters on a flight returning to Rome from an official visit to Dublin on Sunday, the Pope indicated he will not respond to explosive charges from a top Vatican official that the pontiff knowingly covered up widespread sexual abuse.


The Pope dismissed a bombshell document containing the charges which emerged Saturday night, saying simply that the allegations "speaks for itself" and that he would "not say one word" on the matter.


According to Reuters, "The pontiff said journalists should read the document carefully and decide for themselves about its credibility".

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.2755238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5731

CNN: Radical New Mexico Compound Family ‘Struggled’


NN is being slammed for running a less-than-critical headline about the radical New Mexico compound family being accused of training children to commit school shootings.


CNN wrote on Sunday that the family “struggled with life off the grid,” and noted in the article that one neighbor of the family remembered seeing “one of the men tenderly wip[ing] the nose of a crying child.”

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.2755252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5434 >>5451

New Florida Law: “In God We Trust” Must Be Placed in All Public Schools


Public schools in Florida must now display the motto, “In God We Trust,” per provisions of a state law passed in March and now brought to full effect with the opening of the new academic year.


Title XLVIII, Chapter 1003 of the state law has been amended to read: “Each district school board shall adopt rules to require, in all of the schools of the district and in each building used by the district school board, the display of the state motto, “In God We Trust” … in a conspicuous place.”


Local media reports that the state government has in at least a few cases e-mailed signs with the motto printed on them for use by the school districts in their schools and other district buildings. Other school districts around the state report having been given signs bearing the legally required motto.


Florida’s enactment of such a statute has drawn more media attention to the act than other states who’ve passed similar laws, such as Tennessee and Arkansas.


The heightened scrutiny of the motto’s placement in school buildings in Florida is likely attributable to the global coverage of the deadly assault carried out by a gunman at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, earlier this year.


As would be expected in this day of intolerance, there are opponents of the law and its mandated mounting of the state motto (“In God We Trust” was made the official state motto in 2006).


In a statement regarding the recently enacted law, the Freedom From Religion Foundation called the Constitution as a witness for its claims: “These godly postings exclude and alienate the one-in-five students in our public schools who do not believe in god. And they’re meant to,” the foundation’s statement reads. “These laws are not about patriotism, they’re about turning believers into insiders, and nonbelievers into outsiders. There’s nothing patriotic in undermining our nation’s secular Constitution.”


I’ll let go by the comment — historically untenable in the extreme — that our country’s constitution is “secular,” but the idea that because there are “nonbelievers,” all “believers” must confine their worship to their homes is typical of the intolerance displayed by those claiming to be victims of discrimination by Christians.


There is one question that would seem to clear up the controversy without relying on anyone to abandon his beliefs, or lack of belief.


If one does not believe in the Christian God or in Jesus Christ as a resurrected being, wouldn’t that person be about as threatened by a plaque declaring trust in God as he would if a similar sign promised faith in Zeus or Odin?


Finally, most of the opposition to posting the motto in public-school buildings has invoked the First Amendment, specifically that amendment’s provision prohibiting the establishment of religion.

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.2755384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5662

Britain Prepares for War Against Russia


"Britain would be a much better place if it acknowledged that there is no threat whatever from Russia — why on earth would Russia even want to begin to consider attacking Britain, or any NATO country, for that matter?"


The headline in the UK newspaper the Daily Mail on August 7 encapsulated much that is paranoid in sad modern Britain. It read “Russian warships pass through English Channel as Putin's armed forces ratchet up pressure on the Royal Navy.”


Certainly, the United Kingdom is in a state of crisis; but it isn’t because of any sort of military threat. The vote to leave the European Union was a major slide down the greasy pole of decline and Time magazine summed up the debacle by pointing out that “At heart of this political saga is the fact that the politicians leading the Brexit “Leave” campaign — Boris Johnson chief among them — never actually explained to the British public what a vote for ‘Leave’ entailed. The promise of Brexit was all things to all people, which is how it managed its 52- to 48-percent victory over the ‘Remain’ side. Then prime minister David Cameron resigned, and it fell to his successor Theresa May to figure out what Brexit actually means.”

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.2755430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5455 >>5503 >>5541

Haaretz Warns American Jews of Trump’s Downfall


Haaretz delivered a warning today to American Jewry. “If Trump falls, the testimonies of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg could spark an anti-Semitic Backlash.”


Many have passed through the Trump Administration’s revolving door and faded away quietly but those who may bring the president down are “the lawyer-fixer (Michael Cohen), the smut-dealing publisher (David Pecker) and the numbers whiz who knows it all (Alan Weisselberg).” Prominent Haaretz correspondent Chemi Shalev is honest enough to openly acknowledge that “the trio’s public profile is a Jewish stereotype.”


Shalev dared to write the article every other political analyst has dreaded putting into words let alone text. “The name of the lawyer who implicated Donald Trump in the commission of federal crimes is Cohen. The name of the publisher who has agreed to tell investigators how he turned his newspaper into a clearinghouse for Cohen’s payments to women is Pecker. And the name of the accountant who has been granted immunity in order to testify about the role played by the Trump Organization in Cohen’s endeavors is Weisselberg. The common denominators of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg, beside their willingness to do whatever it takes for Trump in the past and their apparent willingness to inform on him now, is that all three are indisputably and recognizably Jewish.”


If you wonder why no one in America was courageous enough to write about Trump being betrayed by his closest Jewish aids, Shalev’s answer is “anyone who does so risks being accused of generalizing, if not actively encouraging anti-Semitism.” But this is just the first stage in this saga according to Haaretz’s correspondent. “Somewhere down the line. The racist, supremacist and neo-Nazi element of Trump’s base is already drooling at the impending opportunity of enlisting disgruntled rank and file Trump fans in a battle against the Jewish conspiracy aimed at their idol.”

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.2755444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5538 >>5731

Russian Cargo Vessel Packed With "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" Bound For USA Arrested In South Africa


South African authorities at the Port of Ngqura reportedly discovered explosive "weapons of mass destruction" aboard a Russian cargo ship last week, according to the New Zealand Herald. The cargo was headed to Lagos, Nigeria and the United States, and was discovered following an anonymous tipoff. According to an official who declined to be named, 14 of the 34 containers onboard had proper permits, while another 20 containers were found to contain allegedly illegal materials. A criminal investigation was opened for "allegedly flouting regulations under the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction act" and the Explosives Act following the tipoff, reports the Herald, while the actual explosives were discovered by the nearby Port Elizabeth Explosives Unit.


No information was given as to the type of ordnance found, or why they constitute "weapons of mass destruction."


the Russian vessel, the Lada, docked to offload 14 containers – with the correct permits – which had been dispatched to SA.


However, 20 other containers found on board are allegedly illegal.



The official said that the vessel did not have permits for the other 20 containers, some of which were destined for Lagos in Nigeria and others for the United States. -NZ Herald


"The ship docked and it was established that 14 of the containers had permits for offloading in South Africa,” said an official who declined to be named, adding "After suspicions were raised, police checked the other containers and found a further 20 containers carrying explosives and components."


The 14 permitted containers destined for South Africa were dispatched by a company called Solar India, while the source of the 20 illegal containers is unknown. Port of Ngqura manager Tandi Lebankeng said that the Lada's last port of call was Tulear, Madagascar and that it was heading to Lagos, Nigeria next.


"We are aware that she has dangerous cargo on board," Lebakeng said. "She is detained by police within port limits, although she is anchored outside the port." -NZ Herald


Once police discovered the illegal cargo - valued at over $700,000 USD, the Lada was placed under arrest by police and set to anchor around 9 miles offshore.


“The vessel is effectively sitting in Algoa Bay loaded with explosives,” said the official.

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.2755477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5497

The Russian Military in Place to Cover Syria's Final Offensive With Huge Naval Armada, Hypersonic Missiles


A powerful Russian naval armada led by a Slava-class cruiser has assembled in the Eastern Mediterranean, while hypersonic-armed MiGs are in the air over the Caspian. By all appearances it looks like a Syrian offensive against Idlib Jihadistan is a go and Russia is making sure there will be no interference

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.2755495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Sleeper” Case Could Derail Mueller – Prevent Him From Releasing Russia Report


A court case stemming from a decades old murder of a Columbia University professor may torpedo Mueller and prevent him from publishing a report on so-called Trump-Russia collusion.


Although the court case is completely unrelated to Mueller’s witch hunt, it may prevent him from publishing a report from information obtained by a Washington grand jury.


A Washington appeals court is scheduled to hear the murder case next month and if they side with the DOJ and rule that the judge cannot release any grand jury information, it could derail Mueller from releasing his Russia report, according to legal experts.


This ‘sleeper’ case could also prevent Mueller from giving a Russia report to Congress.


We all know Mueller and the Democrat-Deep State cabal is gunning for Trump and their ultimate goal is to impeach the President.


Far left Politico reported:


“It is a sleeper case,” Harvard Law professor Alex Whiting said. “If the D.C. Circuit were to accept the Department of Justice’s arguments…that would have potentially enormous implications for the future of the information from the Mueller investigation. That could close out a path by which that information becomes public.”


The case at the appeals court was brought by attorney and author Stuart McKeever, who has spent decades investigating the disappearance of Jesus Galindez, a Columbia university professor and political activist who vanished in New York City in 1956. His body was never found, but there are indications that he was kidnapped and flown to the Dominican Republic, where he may have been killed.


McKeever, 82, wants a judge to release secret testimony given to a DC-based grand jury that investigated Galindez’s disappearance. But the Justice Department argues that judges don’t have “inherent authority” to release such information unless it falls under exemptions approved by Congress, which don’t apply in the Galindez case — or in many others, including potentially Mueller’s investigation.


“I’ve been on the journey almost 40 years to tell this story,” McKeever said Sunday in a phone interview from his South Carolina home. “The Justice Department does not want this case to break the dam.”


The arguments in McKeever’s case next month will take place at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington — two floors above where Mueller’s grand jury meets. Then there’s the midterm elections…


If the Democrats take the House in November, the House Judiciary could subpoena Mueller’s report as part of an impeachment probe because of a 1974 DC Circuit ruling, reported Politico.


If Republicans keep the house, a subpoena is less likely therefore Mueller would have a problem given the federal court rule that ensures grand jury secrecy.


According to Politico, last week the judges on the DC Circuit court were announced and they lean right:


Adding to the political drama around the McKeever case: the judges drawn to decide it. The three-judge panel announced by the court last week leans Republican, which is unusual since most of the D.C. Circuit’s active judges are Democrats. In addition, the panel will include the appeals court’s only Trump appointee, Judge Greg Katsas. Also assigned to the case: Judge Douglas Ginsburg, a Reagan appointee, and Judge Sri Srinivasan, an Obama appointee.


Of course Mueller is prepared to fight this hurdle as he won’t let anything get in his way of attempting to get Trump removed, which is his ultimate goal.


One thing is for sure–this is going to be one explosive Autumn in the D.C. swamp.

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.2755595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5731

Transgender Greens Candidate Quits Party Race After Father Jailed for Child Rape


A rising transgender star in the Green Party has withdrawn from the deputy leadership race after her father, who had twice previously acted as her election agent, was jailed for the rape and torture of a 10-year-old girl in the attic of the family home.


Green Party candidate Aimee Challenor, 20, withdrew from the race on Sunday after her father David Challenor, 50, was sentenced to 22 years in jail last week for the false imprisonment and rape of a child, reports The Guardian.


Warwick Crown Court had heard that David Challenor had acted out his sadomasochistic fantasies by dressing up in adult-sized baby dresses and diapers and pretended to be a girl called ‘Lucy’, before tying up the child in the attic of his Coventry home, raping and whipping her and giving her electric shocks.


After she had left the house, the young victim was too frightened to tell anyone of her abuse but eventually did so with the crime reported to police at the end of 2015. Mr Challenor was subsequently arrested and charged.

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.2755644   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Khan’s London: 133 Arrests on Carnival Opening Day


More than 130 people were arrested on the opening day of the London Notting Hill carnival, police said, reporting that knife-wielding thugs, drug dealers, and sex attackers had descended on its traditionally peaceful ‘family day’.


As of 9.15 pm on Sunday night, London Metropolitan Police said they had detained 20 people on suspicion of possessing offensive weapons, 42 for drugs offences, and seven on public order offences.


A further eight people were arrested for attacking police officers, three people for common assault, two on suspicion of sexual assault, three for theft, and 12 on suspicion of possessing psychoactive drugs, according to The Sun.

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.2755665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5731

Germany to Shield 9/11 Plotter from CIA Amid Repatriation to Morocco – Report


Former Al-Qaeda member Mounir al-Motassadeq, convicted of preparing the 2001 terrorist attacks, is to be released after 15 years in a German prison and sent home to Morocco. According to German media he will be taken there on board of a chartered plane in a special operation, as local security services fear that US intelligence may intercept him.


Forty-four-year-old Mounir el-Motassadeq, imprisoned in Germany for taking part in organizing terror attacks on the US on September 11, 2001, is to be secretly deported to his homeland of Morocco after October 15, the Bild news outlet reported.


The exact date of the release is being kept secret, however. According to the newspaper, citing German authorities, he will be transported across the Mediterranean on a chartered flight. The tabloid claims that all these precautions are being taken to prevent the US Central Intelligence Agency from intercepting the man, who was the only one imprisoned for the terrorist attack, which left nearly 3,000 people dead, to interrogate him.


El-Motassadeq, who studied in Hamburg in 2001, was a member of the local Al-Qaeda cell, which prepared one of the pilots, who perpetrated the attacks and was dubbed its "minister of finance." In 2004 he was convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison.


Earlier, information emerged that the plotter was to be released earlier than expected and repatriated to Morocco. He will also not be allowed to re-enter Germany until April 3, 2064.

Anonymous ID: 6538a3 Aug. 27, 2018, 11:01 a.m. No.2755706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5732

Twitter: Saying Dana Loesch’s Kids Need To Be Murdered Does Not Violate Rules


It does not violate Twitter’s rules against abuse to wish death upon National Rifle Association (NRA) spokeswoman Dana Loesch’s children, Twitter ruled Monday.


“The only way these people learn is if it affects them directly,” Twitter user Milan Legius wrote in a reply to Loesch. “So if Dana Loesch has to have her children murdered before she’ll understand, I guess that’s what needs to happen.”


“You may not make specific threats of violence or wish for the serious physical harm, death, or disease of an individual or group of people,” Twitter’s rules state.


But when Loesch’s husband Chris reported the tweet wishing death upon their children, Twitter ruled in favor of Legius.


“We have reviewed your report carefully and found that there was no violation of the Twitter Rules against abusive behavior,” Twitter wrote in an email that Chris shared with The Daily Caller News Foundation.


“I wish Twitter just treated all users consistently,” Dana told TheDCNF. She is used to abuse on Twitter, where the replies to her tweets are often misogynistic.


Twitter did not immediately return a request for comment.


The NRA in general has become a popular target for the activist left, which often scapegoats the NRA for mass shootings its members didn’t commit. (RELATED: Twitter CEO Caves To Liberal Backlash, Apologizes For Eating Chick-Fil-A)


Leftist activists have sought to silence the NRA by getting the nonprofit’s media arm banned from Amazon, Apple and Google’s streaming services. So far, the three have allowed NRATV to remain on their platforms.