Hydra 2.0 ID: 678969 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.2755688   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5838

New Bombshell Info In Las Vegas Shooting Raises Even More Questions


It's been nearly a year since the mass shooting in Las Vegas and it seems that as time passes we are left with more and more unanswered questions. Multiple timelines were offered within the first few days. YouTube videos showed that multiple hotels were on lockdown and a cab driver reported hearing shots at multiple hotels. Some witnesses claimed to see at least two shooters at multiple hotels.




Then you've got the Saudi ties. The top floors of the Mandalay Bay tower are actually the Four Seasons owned by Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. Keep in mind within days Prince Salman began the Saudi royal purge. Or how about Paddock's older brother arrested on child porn charges directly after the shooting only to have them subsequently dropped without explanation.


There's that picture that is purported to be of several people including what appears to be Paddock, Danley and Senator Leland Yee who was arrested for his part in gunrunning to the Philippines (home country of Marilu Lourdes Danley).




Speaking of Danley, how about the fact that Paddock supposedly used her ID to pay for his room while she was out of the country. Somehow I find it difficult to believe that he could pass for a diminutive Filipina and, since they were not married, he shouldn't have been able to use her ID and/or credit or debit cards. Before she was "cleared" Newsweek even reported that she had used two separate Social Security numbers.


From Newsweek last October:


"At times, her identities merged: Marilou filed for bankruptcy in 2012, under the name Bustos, while she was still married to Danley and living with Paddock in Reno. Her lawyer during the bankruptcy has not yet responded to a request for comment. Marilou held multiple addresses, some simultaneously—in Arkansas, Tennessee, California, Florida and other states, and often moved through cities within those states." Newsweek mysteriously retracted the mention of Danley's double identity without explaining how or why they initially uncovered this info…..



