Anonymous ID: f56774 Aug. 27, 2018, 10 a.m. No.2755184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5307 >>5326 >>5496


am I the only one who sees the possibility DS is also using this success via the stock market for some much needed funds for their hungry shills and protesters? Imagine knowing you are on the losing side and have your funding cut off…meanwhile, you watch the market soar in retrospect to the deals you know POTUS will make so as to eliminate past deals in favor of deals beneficial to citizens instead of beneficial to DS interests…not an analyst, nor ever will be. Money has never held sway over my interests, but I'll be damned if I made that discovery about myself and allowed it to guide me without first being proficient in capability to be the meanest most greedy motherfucker around if I were aligned on the opposite side of the moralistic scale. One MUST know and understand the level on one side of the scale to be aligned on the other…that balance and willingness to allow yourself to become the enemy in mind is key to being able to play offense and not have to sit on an ever waning defense. I do hope this was initially thought of and planned for, as even those who's assets are frozen still have the means to produce capital so as to ride the wave to the top and then move it…just saying…