Path ID: 1251b7 Aug. 27, 2018, 11:52 a.m. No.2756153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6174 >>6183 >>6193 >>6217 >>6225 >>6336 >>6433

Hi Q,


My first and probably only post.


I know that the majority of the people will have a hard time swallow even the smallest red pill. But for us, that already have gone down deep the rabbit hole, for years, and crawled back up again, can you give us some drops that can point us in the right direction where to look. As easy as it is finding info, as easy it is finding contradicting info and disinfo.


For some of us that long for the deeper hints and drops. Referring to you own words "Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.The end won't be for everyone".


I can see that the past and current drops are just scratching right on top of the surface of the iceberg.

And I know, if you start dropping to heavy stuff, most people will just turn their backs on the whole thing labeling Q as a conspiracy.. tricky situation..


For those who want to go deeper, do you have something you can share at the moment?


My only wish is that all life gets to know true freedom. Freedom inside, freedom outside, with love, to all.