I will never, ever forget the SNL parody of him. I know, I know….but that was then, this is now.
Can I finish can I finish can I finish?
I will never, ever forget the SNL parody of him. I know, I know….but that was then, this is now.
Can I finish can I finish can I finish?
My favorite cast will always be the Chevy Chase, Lorraine Newman, Gilda Radner, Bill Murray, et. al. group — the things they got away with still amaze me, and are unacceptable in today's world. But fucking funny a hell, except for knowing what I know now. But the days of Carvey/Farley/Murphy were also good. Sucks to have that sort of mentally taken away. I don't see any of it with the same eyes anymore. Sad
Yeah I don't do the 'JOO' bullshit. But I do agree that the entertainment is what it is, and it does what it does.
I don't remember that particular skit but I do miss being able to innocently enjoy television in general. I cut cable a decade ago, but had various apps. I don't even care much for movies anymore because all I can see now is the bs symbolism.