Anonymous ID: 40b51b Aug. 27, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.2756625   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 40b51b Aug. 27, 2018, 12:55 p.m. No.2756636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6642 >>6649 >>6709 >>6849 >>7084 >>7268 >>7326

Russia sanctions bring US closer to ‘point of no return’ in international policy — embassy


WASHINGTON, August 27. /TASS/. Washington’s new sanctions against Moscow bring the US closer to the point of no return in resolving current international issues with Russia. Besides, such measures are fruitless and futile, the message published on Monday by the Russian Embassy in Washington states.


"Washington issued another set of illegitimate one-sided sanctions against Russia. It feels like local politicians have an unhealthy craving for demolishing the fundamental basis of bilateral relations, on which rests the global security. Decisions are made with zero attempts to look into things, while ignoring our calls for dialogue, in absence of any real proof of "Russia’s guilt". The U.S. mainstream media spreads absurd accusations against our country," the embassy stated.



Anonymous ID: 40b51b Aug. 27, 2018, 12:58 p.m. No.2756658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6702

Europe is shaking off American attempts to isolate Russia


France and Germany both move to grow relations with Russia while American Deep State fetters President Trump’s efforts to do the same.


There are signs that the efforts to isolate and even destroy Russia are crumbling. While England and the main entrenched power structure in the United States won two significant “victories” in their efforts to waylay US President Trump’s efforts to improve Russian-American relations, two of Europe’s most important nations moved in the same period of time to cement and improve relations with Moscow.

Anonymous ID: 40b51b Aug. 27, 2018, 1:47 p.m. No.2757008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7024 >>7073

28 August Theory


I suspect tomorrow is go day.


Here's why:


  1. Syria battle for Idlib has already begun and the 28th is the day it is suspected the cabal will stage (((their))) chemical weapons attack to try and start a war against the white hats (Russia Syria Iran good part of US mil). Also to use as a major distraction. I think at this point they will proceed with this despite Russia have complete monitoring and surveillance of (((their))) actions Further support for this was cabal forces 'arresting' woman and children in Idlib yesterday I'd say for the purpose of using them as human shields as they have no way out. This battle will show that coalition commanders (UK France Israel US deep state Can Aus) and troops are running ISIS, (((their))) exits have been blocked.


  1. Tass Russian state media's main article today contains the phrase 'point of no return'.


  1. Q posts [0:28] zero hour is the 28th in kill box.


  1. FISA release has been speculated by many Anon's on this day also.


  1. Attacks have been building on the site over the weekend and into today.


  1. MSM has gone full retard in it's attacks.


I'm sure there's more……..More than happy for Anon's to add subtract from this!





Anonymous ID: 40b51b Aug. 27, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.2757043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7066 >>7084 >>7090 >>7092 >>7268 >>7326

Gamer-Turned-Killer David Katz Was Previously Hospitalized For Mental Illness and Prescribed ‘Anti-Psychotic’ Meds


24-year-old David Katz, the gunman who shot up the Madden NFL tournament and killed 2 people before taking his own life was previously hospitalized for mental illness.


David Katz was also prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medications.


FOX News reported:


The gunman who opened fire on a “Madden NFL 19” tournament in Jacksonville, Florida, on Sunday was hospitalized previously for mental illness, according to court records obtained by The Associated Press.


Divorce filings from the parents of 24-year-old David Katz of Baltimore showed that as a teenager he was hospitalized twice in psychiatric facilities and was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medications, the AP reported Monday.


The divorce filings showed that Katz’s parents disagreed deeply on how to care for their son. Katz’s father claimed his estranged wife was exaggerating symptoms of mental illness as part of the couple’s long-running and acrimonious custody battle. They divorced in 2007.


Sunday afternoon, police responded to a ‘mass shooting’ at Jacksonville Landing in Florida which left 3 dead and 11 wounded.


According to witnesses, the killer, David Katz, began shooting shortly after he lost the Madden NFL gaming tournament.


Media reports described David Katz as a person who was ‘nerdy’ and ‘withdrawn.’


Footage and audio of the shooting the moment it happened during a livestream at the Madden NFL tournament was captured.


Killer David Katz was also a member of the anti-Trump “resistance.”


He referred to Trump supporters as “Trumptards” on his Reddit page.


Pelosi, other Democrats and the media immediately called for more gun control after the shooting, however, the connection between mass shooters taking anti-depressant meds cannot be ignored.

Anonymous ID: 40b51b Aug. 27, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.2757068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7109 >>7206

John W. Huber: The Forgotten "Lone Ranger" Against The Deep State


With Russian “meddling” stalled in the dead letter office, The New York Times has apparently re-branded itself Floozie Central in its quixotic campaign to unseat the Golden Golem of Greatness by all means necessary.


The Stormy Daniels affair, and its slime-trail of payoffs, is the slender thread that the Resistance hopes to hang Donald Trump on.


The great legal minds of cable TV have been very busy trying to suss out which part of the $130,000 non-disclosure payoff might apply as a campaign financing violation. If Rudy Giuliani still had his wits about him, of course, he would claim that the money was just Ms. Daniel’s going rate for an overnight frolic amongst her legendary twin peaks, that is, a sex worker’s simple transaction fee.


Where does it say in the constitution that a president may not consort with tramps and hussies?


It was hilarious to discover that Mr. Trump’s erstwhile personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, picked DC Swamp attorney and Clinton insider, Lanny Davis, to represent him in negotiations with Special Counsel Robert Mueller. It must be like the old days in the locker room of the Burning Tree Golf Club for Lanny and Bob. They go back at least to the days when the Clintons fended off accusations of issuing pardons to special friends for a $450,000 payoff on Bubba’s last day in office, January 19, 2001. And there must have been a reunion around 2010 on the Uranium One matter, in which a tidy $145-million from Russian Oligarch Central landed in the Clinton Foundation coffers after Madam Secretary Hillary signed onto a go-ahead with the U-1 deal.

Anonymous ID: 40b51b Aug. 27, 2018, 2:08 p.m. No.2757192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7207 >>7231 >>7257 >>7268 >>7326

YDSA Urges Socialists To 'Infiltrate' Public Education


The Young Democratic Socialists of America organization is urging socialists to “take jobs as teachers” in order to exploit the “political, economic, and social potential the industry holds.”


“Why Socialists Should Become Teachers,” an 11-page pamphlet crafted jointly by YDSA and the Democratic Socialist Labor Commission, contends that education is “a strategic industry to organize,” and offers prospective socialist educators “a basic roadmap for how to get a job in education.”