Anonymous ID: 980fed Aug. 27, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.2756863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6885 >>6972

Glenn Greenwald, the Bane of Their Resistance

A leftist journalist’s bruising crusade against establishment Democrats—and their Russia obsession.


Good article about Glenn Greenwald, the reporter that broke the Edward Snowden stuff.


Given that he's associated with Snowden, one would expect he's /theirguy. But there are a lot of detail fleshed out in this article–for instance, regarding Greenwald, Snowden was quoted as saying "We’re not like buddy-buddy. There’s a distance. We don’t talk about our personal lives." Also, the article states "Greenwald and Julian Assange had become allies during the Bush Administration, but their relationship was disrupted in 2013, when Snowden chose not to work with WikiLeaks."


The main point of the article is to talk about Glenn Greenwald, and how he has joined Republicans in attacking the Democrats for their hypocrisy and single-minded focus on Russia. He's a great writer, with powerful arguments. While being fairly diplomatic, the article does tend to try and make these arguments seem ridiculous by stating that "near consensus had been reached" and such nonsense. It also doesn't provide the substantial backing as to why, for instance, Guccifer might not have been the one to hack Hillary's emails (see Bill Binney's takedown); instead it softly dismisses them.


Regardless, taken with a grain of salt, this is a good (if long) article. If he isn't some sort of controlled opposition, you have to admit we certainly seem to be fighting the same fight.

Anonymous ID: 980fed Aug. 27, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.2756892   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good meme, but cut the words:

"We didn't hire a <priss?>"

"We hired him to take out the garbage"

Then your graphic.


I think it will resonate with a lot of people.

Anonymous ID: 980fed Aug. 27, 2018, 2:12 p.m. No.2757224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7252


Right, he's no Trump fan. What I mean is that he seems to be against the marriage of Wall Street and politics, which coincides with what we're doing whether or not he realizes it–but I think he does.


I agree that the things that you mentioned should be gotten rid of, but as I see it, these things were designed to expand the State's reach by the cabal, and Trump is merely using their own weapons against them (with the exception of 'stop and frisk', which worked out well for Giuliani in NY). I'm a Christian Libertarian, so for me a lot of this stuff is just nonsense–I don't understand why you go about punishing people for harming themselves, such as with drug use. Asset forfeiture for suspected drug money? Blatantly unconstitutional. The corporate prison system would be great if there were no corporate corruption; maybe something will change significantly to get this kind of money out of politics.


I think a lot of these problems will resolve themselves once the wall goes up and the cabal is brought down.