anybody else hoping that said 'internment' rather than 'interment' when they clicked?
But the sodas were diet..
Well, that's how that works, isn't it? Diet Coke = extra Snickers because of the calories saved
That sounds horrible
Now THAT is a troll.
There was no fighting it last night. Too many of them. One of them is here today pretending he wasn't in on it. I was there, I saw. Tried to say something. Sometimes it's better to let everyone see it after the fact and figure it out. Weird someone who was in on it is hiding now. Have to remember that.
After we protested the notable, Baker said something like, "Oh man, now I feel bad for my naming of the next bread" — and it was IN that next bread (JQ) that things went off the rails. I left. Was still going on at 8am when I came back. It was insane.