Anonymous ID: f9ea37 Aug. 27, 2018, 4:33 p.m. No.2758354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8387





“When Mr. Lovinger raised concerns about DoD’s misuse of Stefan Halper in 2016, he did so without any political designs or knowledge of Mr. Halper’s spying activities,” Bigley told “Instead, Mr. Lovinger simply did what all Americans should expect of our civil servants: he reported violations of law and a gross waste of public funds to his superiors.”


Before Lovinger’s clearance was suspended he had taken a detail to the National Security Council as senior director for strategy. He was only there for five months before he was recalled to the Pentagon, stripped of his prestigious White House detail, and ordered to perform bureaucratic make-work in a Pentagon annex Bigley calls “the land of misfit toys.” His security clearance was eventually revoked in March 2018, despite the Pentagon “refusing to turn over a single page of its purported evidence of Lovinger’s wrongdoing,” Bigley stated. Conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch, recently filed a federal lawsuit against the Defense Department to obtain the withheld records.


Lovinger also raised concerns about Halper’s role in conducting what appeared to be diplomatic meetings with foreigners on behalf of the U.S. government because his role as contractor forbids him from doing so, according to U.S. federal law.



The way I see it :

this whole thing could be a play to get the right stuff at the right place in the DOJ.

There has been this astonishing unwillingness of DOJ to look at ANYTHING regarding the previous administrations dealings.

Remember Q told us we needed to construct a parallel story, a parallel inquiry so as to have some sort of legal ground for further steps?

This, and Judicial Watch's lawsuit might just be such a ticket, is what I suspect!

Anonymous ID: f9ea37 Aug. 27, 2018, 4:44 p.m. No.2758489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8535


Not so amazing anon, that's justice for you.

Legalese is a whole other universe joined to ours by wormholes called lawyers.

It would be frowned upon if POTUS or one of his team forced anything upon the administration.

POTUS has to corner the administration into being unable to do otherwise than to steer the course he has in mind by 5-D chess, or subterfuge if you prefer.

We have now illustration of a prime example of just that, is my take on it.