This story fills in all the gaps on the Lovinger story with regard to what he found, who he told, and what they did to get rid of him when he was too close to home.
They set him up too. Weaponised the system against him.
A quick recap. Lovinger left his office believing he was carrying only academic papers. He would later claim the classified document was placed within his reading material for the plane trip. The classified document was indeed marked Classification Pending, but contained no actual classified material.
Lovinger just happened to be seated next to Maxwell, who also worked at the DOD. Maxwell did not identify himself as such until after Lovinger had seen the classified document. Maxwell would write Lovinger up in a Memo that would make it’s way up the chain of command in Hawaii and back to Lovinger’s boss in Washington, James Baker, the same day.
On Jan. 12, 2017, Lovinger was invited by General Michael Flynn to serve as a Senior Director on the White House Security Council, along with Ezra Cohen-Watnick. On that same day, James Baker filed four separate charges against Lovinger. The counts included an “unauthorized” trip to Israel, taking home unclassified academic papers to read, reading a classified document in an airplane, and having “unauthorized” contacts with the Indian government.
On Jan. 18, 2017, two days before Lovinger was to leave for the Security Council position, he received a letter from the Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter citing “Lovinger’s exceptional performance on collaborative net assessment with the Government of India.” In that same review, Baker disagreed, noting, “I do not endorse the characterization set forth in the employee input (that) Adam performed successfully.”
Baker assigned two officers to investigate Lovinger, ONA Chief of Staff Cmdr. Anthony Russell (USCG) and Marine Lt. Col. Brian Bruggeman. According to the Daily Caller, Baker gave Bruggeman a Feb. 10, 2017, deadline for an initial report. On Feb. 5, five days before the report was due, Baker recommended Bruggeman for the “Defense Superior Service Award.” Baker also recommended Russell for “Award of the Defense Superior Service Medal” following the completion of his investigation into Lovinger.