This should do it for you.
/ Display a replies counter overlay in the top right corner /$(function(){ $('head').append('<style>#thread_stats_posts_ovl { '+ 'position:fixed;top:35px;right:405px;'+ 'font:38px sans-serif;opacity:0.5;color:#f60;}</style>'); $('body').append('<div id="thread_stats_posts_ovl"/>'); function copyStats() { $('#thread_stats_posts_ovl'). text($('#thread_stats_posts').text());} $(document).on('new_post',copyStats); copyStats();});
I think there are around 1200 pixels across the board. It's just a matter of trying to get it where it suits you best. Edit it to suit anon ;)
Here's another with the post counter at the bottom right of the page.
/ Display a replies counter overlay in the bottom right corner /$(function(){ $('head').append('<style>#thread_stats_posts_ovl { '+ 'position:fixed;bottom:35px;right:35px;'+ 'font:38px sans-serif;opacity:0.5;color:#f60;}</style>'); $('body').append('<div id="thread_stats_posts_ovl"/>'); function copyStats() { $('#thread_stats_posts_ovl'). text($('#thread_stats_posts').text());} $(document).on('new_post',copyStats); copyStats();});