Anonymous ID: 71f09a Aug. 27, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.2762987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3026 >>3060


My son (9) was telling me about this red ant who brings a catepillar of a blue butterlfy into its colony. The cocoon sits with the other lavre until it hatches and the butterfly flies out of the colony.

He said the ants do it because the butterfly releases some kind of nectar that the ants are addicted to.

Anyway the red ants went extinct recently, followed shortly by the butterfly.

I thanked him for telling me because it gave me the idea for a metaphor of what is happening right now on the political spectrum.

There are people in the world who think that all religious people are like the red ants bringing the butterfly (God) into our colonies and that religion is just a drug.

Eliminate the drug addicts and you eliminate the drug… just like the ants and the butterfly.

These same people are trying to eradicate religion.

They know that believers in God are harder to control because they want for nothing but to serve God and they put their faith in God…

Not man

And not the State

There are people who think that way of being is so retarded that they are trying to kill all religious people the world over as if we are mental retards.

They truly think we are lesser than

Like insects

And they want to exterminate us and our beliefs

THIS is the EVIL we are up against

Anonymous ID: 71f09a Aug. 27, 2018, 10:43 p.m. No.2763060   🗄️.is 🔗kun


General Flynn,

I gotta ask - was Jonathan Langdale on twitter the first person to guess almost exactly how the whole campaign spying sting went down?

My only question is if SR was the leaker at all

Could it have been the Russians who then made it look like SR so that Podesta and the DNC would hire MS13 to murder SR?

Did the Russians set the DNC up?

Then Assange contacted you with everything he had.

He needed you.

And you needed him.

He knew if he released everything he had then the Deep State would take him out instantly.

You knew that the Deep State would also likely be able to contain the fallout of such a leak being they still had so much control… OR a civil war would break out.

You needed Assange to sit on what he had so that you could take back control and make sure the info came out the right way and the legal way and a way that was impossible for the MSM to ignore.

You need him to sit tight.

And he is counting on you to make sure he walks away a free man when it's all said and done for keeping his finger off the button.

Anonymous ID: 71f09a Aug. 27, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.2763099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3195


So they're pissed we're in this symbiotic (sic. loving) relationship with God and it gets in the way of us producing honey for them because we're all so blissed out by the beauty of the butterfly and can't believe how lucky we are that first red ant brought a blue butterfly cocoon down to our colony?


Are they even afraid we might realize we are butterflies too?


Did the Deep State kill those red ants?


If so, fuck them to hell.